Chapter 16

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The drive back home was extremely uncomfortable. Niall had decided to keep his car in the Hotel's parking lot, simply because he was too drunk to drive and Louis was too angry to let him go alone. Niall shook his head slightly as he leaned on the car's cold window, watching the feathery haired brunette grip the steering wheels way too tightly. 

"He's going to kill me and then he's going to kill Harry," Louis scoffed, glancing briefly at the blonde before returning his attention back to the road, 

"D-don't tell him please," Niall pleaded watching the older man shake his head slightly. He didn't want to have an argument right now, specially not with someone who played no role in his relationship with Zayn. Sure the guy was Zayn's best buddy but honestly Niall was not answerable to anyone but a certain hazel eyed dork. 

"He'll find out. I don't even have to say anything," The car stopped suddenly with Louis signalling his head outside. The shorter man grunted, getting out of the car as he looked at the house he was sharing with Liam. He should probably move out, considering Zayn and Liam didn't really get along but right now, that was the least of his worries. 

"Do you think he'll forgive me? I was honestly drunk out of my wits and I certainly do not like Harry," Louis shook his head slightly before giving the blonde a sad smile which just screamed 'i know you're lying but I'm going to let it go.' 

"Yeah. He loves you," Niall smiled at that, watching the brunette reverse the car and drive back down the road from where they had just come from. 

Walking into the prim and proper house, he debated upon the various scenarios that might happen between him and Zayn. Niall didn't want to keep this thing a secret from the older man. He knew how badly secrets could ruin their relationship, specially when they were still recovering from the previous breaks. 

He walked into the kitchen with his mind in a complete haze, he could still fill the giddiness from the alcohol but there was a burning headache which numbed that giddiness out. All he wanted to do was swallow a few painkillers and go to sleep, the thought of Zayn fixing up any dinner and setting a romantic mood was least of his concerns right now. He warily stared at the sight in front of him. 

A nicely arranged table with two chairs on their side, covered with pure white table cloth. On top it was a freshly cooked meal which Niall doubted was even hot. He knew who did all that, he was hoping about this entire evening turning out perfectly. That he'd come home happily buzzing from the minimal alcohol he'd consume, him and Zayn would have a perfect little dinner just staring and laughing at each other's silly jokes and then the taller man would pick him up like a princess and carry him all the way to his room, pushing him down on the bed and they'd spend the night making hot and sweet love. Niall flinched at his vivid imagination, sighing to himself as he walked up to his bedroom, the only place where Zayn would probably be if he hadn't already left. 

He opened the door softly, taking deep breaths with every creek the door made. Reminding himself that he hadn't exactly cheated, it was all just a stupid, silly game. 

"Welcome back," The blonde flinched at the cold voice, his eyes watering as he watched the raven haired man staring at his phone quite intently. "Didn't know you could kiss like that," the phone was turned to Niall's direction, as he watched the entire scene happen right in front of his eyes. He could see the user name: val_eirex and felt a desire to punch the living shit out of the woman. Who puts such videos on Instagram? 

"Was he good?" Niall choked back a sob, his mind flashing back to the night where Zayn had so clearly told him that he was just a slut in that same cold voice. He hated it when Zayn went all cold and heartless on him. 

"I-it was a g-game.  W-we were asked to k-kiss. I-i swear I don't like H-Harry," He clenched his fists, desperately pleading with his eyes to make the taller man stay. This night was not supposed to go this way. 

"Oh, well I didn't know that you were a child that would agree to a game of Spin the Bottle," Zayn scoffed, wrapping his arms tightly around his chest. "Plus, they might have told you to kiss but they certainly didn't tell you to moan like a whore!" 

"P-please calm down," Niall tried, wrapping his arms around the raven haired man's waist as he watched his eyes turn dark. He could feel himself wanting to do nothing more than beg Zayn to stay, to try and make him understand that if he was sober, he would not even look at any other men. 

"You know," Zayn pushed Niall away from his body gently, watching those sea blue eyes fill with tears at his action, "I actually thought you would be a bit more sensitive to my feelings. How would you feel if I go around kissing girls and then tell you that it was all for a game, when it's quite obvious that I liked what I was doing?" 

"I-I know I made a mistake. But honestly, I was drunk and I didn't know what was going on...." 

"So you didn't know he was kissing you? Are you saying he forced you to kiss him?" Zayn quirked an eyebrow. 

"No-No. Of course not. It was simply a game and please Zayn, we all know among the two of us, it's you who used to sleep around the  most." 

"Are we really going there?" The raven haired man raised his hands in a waving motion. "Are we really talking about my past lovers? Because if I remember clearly, I changed for you. I tamed my ways and I would expect you to do the same but oh no, you had to go out and kiss the guy whom I am definitely insecure of." 

"Why? Why are you insecure of him? You know I love you and not Harry. I know I made a mistake but Zayn I was really really drunk and I was so lonely because I was missing you and I just wanted to go back home, and then the bottle landed on me and Harry. I didn't know to do so I just went for it," Niall bit his lips once he decided he didn't know what else to say. 

"You know, I can't deal with this right now. You see this," He motioned to the bedroom which Niall noticed, was covered with candles and rose petals. Zayn had really gone all out. "I wanted your first time to be really really good. I wanted to make you feel special because you mean so much to me. I know I fuck up a lot and I know I don't deserve you but you're just...amazing." 

Niall looked at his sandals, suddenly finding the heels so very interesting. He really didn't want to feel guilty right now. 

"But right now, after that ten second long video of my boyfriend swapping spit with some other fucker who I hate, I really can't stay in the same room." Niall stared at the hazel eyed man, watching him with panic written on his face. 

"A-are you breaking up with me?" His voice cracked at the end, making him wince. 

"No. I'm just going out for the night because I need space. I'll see ya round Blondie." Niall watched the bedroom door slam shut again, but this time, it was he who fucked things up. 

AN/ Kinda boring but I swear it gets better soon. 









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