"Try not to make a big fool of yourself around him." He said as she frowned at him.

"Well then, shall we get going." Kumilo said.

Tomoe walked through the halls looking down at the present in her hands. It didn't look appealing at all, her doubt's rose again, she didn't think Mikaela was going to accept it. As she walked by she could hear people whispering, she looked up to see three ladies in discussion. She frowned, no doubt they were gossiping about who wore the ugliest clothes. She wondered why women who only cared about their beauty and that of others even existed.

"I still can't believe he fired Mariko." One of the women said.

"Mariko?" Tomoe repeated. She knew a Mariko, they weren't the best of friends but they've exchanged a few chats. The Mariko she knew was a struggling mother who just went through a harsh divorce. The only thing helping was her job, surely she couldn't have lost it. She wanted to make sure. She walked over to the chatting women. "Um..escuse me."

"Yes." One of them responded.

"Forgive my intrusion but, I heard you say a Mariko was fired." She said.

"Yes Mariko Asahina."

"Asahina?" Tomoe wasn't really sure if she knew the woman's surname. "I'm sorry but is she that single woman with the little five year old daughter?"

"That's the one."

"Oh." Tomoe frowned sadly. "I see thank you." She smiled at the women and walked away. "Mikaela Shindo you are a demon." She whispered to herself. A single tear dropping down her cheek, she could remember how Mariko would always tell her that her job was a life saver, now she had been fired. And knowing Mikaela, it would have been for a stupid reason.

She wanted to walk straight into his office and give him a slap on both cheeks. This had gotten too far, Mariko was gone and Tomoe could only wonder how her life could be from then on.

Tomoe walked into Mikaela's office. She found him seated in his desk. "I'm here sir." She said but he didn't respond back to her. "Um..sir." He still didn't respond, it looked like he was deep in thought. She walked to his side and tapped him, finally getting his attention.

"What?" He asked.

"Um..you could sir." She said.

"Oh I'm sorry." Mikaela said as he sat up straight. "I was thinking, can you believe that this morning, a tramp had the guts to call me selfish and self centered."

"Nooo!" Tomoe's mouth dropped.

"I know right?" Mikaela said. "Me, self-centered." Tomoe was still shocked, she wondered who the wonderful human was that had told Mikaela Shindo the truth. "Anyway, I've been thinking about him all morning, wondering how that tramp even got into my building."

"Who knows?" Tomoe shrugged.

"Anyway." Mikaela said. "I just wanted to know how the orphans were doing."
"They're doing great." She said. "They're currently being given a tour." There was a few moments of silence, Mikaela averted his eyes to her hands.

"What is that hideous thing?" He asked.

Ouch! Tomoe sighed, well it wasn't going to be easy telling him but, she was going to to give it a shot. "A gift."

"Oh an admirer." He smiled. "What manner of man would give such a disgusting present to a beautiful woman of such high status."

Disgusting? No, no that did it. Tomoe lost it, that went too far. How could he belittle a sweet present, even if it was from a man. He had no right, no right at all. She was about to say something when it hit her. "Did you just call me beautiful?"

The Cold Hearted Beauty & The Little BeastOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora