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[Edited: May 28, 2020]


First of all, thank you so much that you decided to click on this book. That already means a lot to me.

I started doing these when I was 12, at around 2015 so these are pretty old.

I'm warning you that Imagines 1-60 are DAMN STRAIGHT HORRIBLE AND CLICHE. They have a lot of wrong grammars and spellings. Probably the worst kind of imagines you can read. So do not attack me about that. Because I KNOW. But it gets better, thankfully.

Also, I do not take personals from now on. I'm so sorry. Let's just stick with Y/N.

This book is pretty much full with cute, sad, romantic, and let's not forget cliche stories. Lol.

I hope you guys are staying safe during this pandemic.

Much love.

~ laine

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