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This time I decided I wasn't gonna feel sorry for myself. I knew what was gonna happen when we heard about Davina.

So today, Elijah and I are going out of town for some space instead of training. I practically begged the man to come with me. Seriously, he doesn't know how to have any fun.

We need a day off, so why not today right? After packing some stuff and grabbing my keys to my truck-which Klaus found and brought back to me- we left.

It was silent in the car before I played some music by Michael Giacchino. Yep, that's right. I'm playing the lost series soundtrack with an original sitting next to me.

He laughed at me once he saw the album cover on my phone after I hooked it up to a speaker.

"What?" I smiled.

"Nothing. Only that you are playing music from an old television show," he smiled.

"I loved the show. But the music is just phenomenal. Michael did such an amazing job with the music," I explained. "Besides, this is better than whatever's on the radio."

He smiled but listened to the music, enjoying it like I knew he would. Soon I had to get gas though, so I pulled to a stop.

"I'm going inside, would you like anything?" He asked.

"Um, just some water. Thank you," I said waiting for my tank to fill up.

He nodded and went inside as I leant against my truck. When the truck was finished, Elijah still wasn't back so I locked her up and parked in a spot before heading inside.

He wasn't here which made me confused so I walked back to the car where a bag was put over my head and I was being taken somewhere.

I fought as hard as I could before I felt something being injected into my system. Before I fell unconscious, I dropped my phone on the ground hopefully next to my truck.

Waking up, I'm on concrete ground and try to sit up. I look around, but see I'm all alone. Slowly, I walk to the door and peek outside through the bars. It's dark and I couldn't see or hear anything.

I sigh and begin to walk to a wall when I fall. I'm too weak to try anything. The vervain is still in my system. Groaning, I stay on the ground unable to move.

"Ah, you're awake," someone said from outside the cell.

"Where's Elijah?" I asked.

"Still at the station. Guess you shouldn't have left you're phone there," the voice laughed as I used my strength to walk to the door. "If you still had it, you could've been tracked here, right?"

"What do you want with me?"

"You're the key."

"So I've been told. The key to what?" I snapped.

"Has no one really told you?"

"Look, I've been having a rough couple of months. So, if you could please just tell me what I'm the key to, I would appreciate it."

He opened the door, causing me to take a step back. "Multiple things really."


"Well first, to the other side. Witches could use you to bring ancestors back from there."

"What else?"

"Ah, you need some shut eye before I tell you another one," he smirked. "See you tomorrow."

"Tell me! Tell me!" I yelled as he walked away. "Dammit!"

I slowly slid my back against the wall and sat down. Throughout the night, I never fell asleep and stared at the wall trying to think of anything else than killing my friends and family.

Eventually the sun rose and I walked to the door, looking outside. The sun blinded me, so I closed my eyes for a minute before opening them again and looking out there.

The place was empty and I grew angry. Of course this would happen. I began to kick the door trying to somehow get it open.

Soon enough it did, which took me by surprise. Without any hesitation, I ran out and to the streets to see where I am. The streets were empty, but I walked along them as fat as my weak body could go.

It was about noon when I finally found a diner. I walk in and basically fall into a booth. A waitress sees me, and gives me water trying to give me back some strength. I knew it wouldn't work and felt my hunger dart to take control, so I bolted out of there and into the forest to try and eat an animal.

I managed to kill three mountain lions before I felt something being shot into my leg. I fell down, groaning and see a wooden stake sticking out.

Looking back, I see a guy who's probably a teenager holding a crossbow up and walking towards me slowly. I quickly yank out the stake, groaning from the pain, standing up and facing the guy.

"What the hell was that for?" I exclaimed.

"You're a vampire! Why the hell wouldn't I shoot you?" He questioned.

"Okay, before we get into this huge fight, tell me your name," I demanded crossing my arms.

"Jeremy," he answered lowering his weapon.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked.

"South Carolina," he answered.

"Dammit!" I said kicking a log. "Look, I just got free from this vampire prison. Can you cut me some slack and let me go back home?" I asked.

"And why would I do that?"

"Because, my brothers a wolf and I happened to live with the Mikaelson family."

"Wait, like Elijah and Klaus and their sister?"


"Well, just go. And don't tell them about me. Please," he begged backing away.

"Fine, but I need your car."

He tossed me his keys and led me to his car before leaving to find a bus stop. That was easier than it should've been, but I'm alive.

My leg still hurt from the freakin stake as I drove back to New Orleans to find everybody. Just as I reached the border of the state, the car ran out of gas and I tried to pull to the side I the road.

"Great," I mumbled before getting out and walking.

I didn't get very far before a car pulled over and I saw Klaus with Elijah getting out and coming towards me. I ran to Elijah as fast as my still weak body would allow, and hugged him as tight as I was able to.

He held me close, as if he was afraid to ever let me go. He kissed the side of my head as we stood there, not letting go as Klaus snuck off back into his car.

"What the hell happened to you?" I asked pulling away.

"When I walked in, someone broke my neck and I guess moved my body," he explained.

All I could do was nod, but felt weak and practically collapsed in Elijah's arms. He carried me to the car, laying me in the back seat before he sat next to his brother and they took me home.

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