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When it was dark, I came out into the open smiling a little. I'm getting my freakin revenge tonight, even if it kills me.

Klaus and I removed ourselves from the crowd, going upstairs to the study. We began to rash out a plan when everyone came inside.

Before anything could get any further, Jackson began to argue that I shouldn't be involved with this. Of course I just punched him, and kicked him and let's just say he won't wake up for a couple hours.

"Anyone else have an opinion about me killing a bitch?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. "No? Good."

Olly and Hayley staid in the quarter as the rest of us set out to fulfill the plan.

I lured the witch out by killing a couple on the way. She came fuming and began to give me a magical migraine times a thousand.

As I fell to my knees, gripping my head, Genevieve began a spell. Before she could get to far, Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah come out each taking a turn to swing at the bitch.

I stood and walked to her fallen, bleeding figure and kneeled in front of her.

"Take this as a lesson," I said slowly, dragging out each word. "Don't mess with me."

Forcing my hand into her chest, I grip her heart, but was ripped away as the witch fell catching her breath. The four of us look around, searching for the invisible force.

A dark figure walked teasingly slow towards us, flinging us one by one into the cement wall, leaving me for last. They stared menacingly at me for snapping each bone in my body.

My screams only got louder as I fell to the ground shaking. The original family was locked by magic on the walls as the witch crouched in front of me.

"You tend to piss people off you know that?" She asked before sending me flying back.

When I hit the wall I groan, growing pissed with every step the witch takes toward me.

"Hurt her again, and you're dead," she said before snapping all of our necks.

Waking up, I rub my neck and groan from the pain that's now fading away. I look and see the three beginning to wake up.

We all stand and look around in disbelief. Angrily, I kick the wall. The sun slowly rises and I still kick and hit the wall in frustration.

"Love, forgive me for interrupting your meltdown but the sun is rising and you don't have anything to protect you from it," Klaus said walking towards me.

"That was our one chance, our one chance to kill her," I said facing him. "Now she knows we're coming for her."

"Let's worry about this later and get you to shade."

"No! She's going to be protected, she has to die!" I yelled.

"Enough!" Elijah yelled. He grabbed me forcefully and raced me back to the quarter, placing me in the study, closing all the curtains.

I sit on the couch, my head in my hands, my leg shaking anxiously. Movement was made across the room, and the couch sunk a little.

Looking up I saw Elijah, and I stood right away. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Once Genevieve dies, I'm leaving," I said facing away.

"Saying you'll leave is not fine, for anyone," he said. "What about your family? Jackson, Olly?"

"They lied to me," I said turning towards him.

"It may-"

"Elijah! They lied to me my entire life. Entire life! Do you know how that feels? Because I'll tell you. It's betrayal, but you and your perfect little family wouldn't understand that would you?"

"I am well aware of betrayal. That is what has been consistent in my life," he replied racing in front of me. "So yes, I do know how you feel, but you move passed it because it's family."

"Go to hell, Elijah," I said.

He left fuming, storming passed me leaving me alone in the study. My emotions are spiraling out of control.

Klaus came in a minute later, handing me a necklace explaining that it's a daylight necklace.

After putting it on, I raced out of the quarter and into the streets. Looking around, I see people and realized I haven't eaten in a while.

Hunger was slowly taking over my body and I stumbled away from the crowd and into the forest, killing any animal in sight.

When I finished, I wiped the blood off my face and stood seeing the man I wanted to avoid the most.

"What Elijah?" I questioned crossing my arms.

"I wanted to apologize for how I behaved earlier. That's not who I am."

"It's fine, except you're not Elijah," I said taking a step back.

"You're right darling," the fake Elijah said. "I'm worse."

They snapped their fingers, snapping my neck, rendering me unconscious.

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