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Okaru pov
"He did WHAT?!" Goten shrieks he stomps his most likely sore feet and tries to push past me through the door in a fit of anger.
"Goten please...."
He stops and his eyes fly to me curiously.
"Hah?! You aren't angry even though he tried to kill you?!"
I sigh and plop myself onto the bed, my head in my hands.
My teeth grit and I grimace, glancing at his feet under the darkness of my hands.
"How can you feel such anger towards him after all I did? How are you not angry towards me? How can you still say you love me when I tried to kill you?!"
Goten huffs and the bed creaks as he sits next to me, resting his head on my slumped shoulder.
"I...don't really know. I look at you and I can't possibly hate you. I just see you as the only person I really love. I don't's hard to explain."
"Is-is it true?"
"Hm?" His weight shifts and I sit up to look him in the eyes.
"Is it true you stayed here and bled out, waiting for me?"
He blushes and looks down, rubbing his arm nervously.
"Y-yah I guess it is. I thought maybe....that maybe you were just flustered and would come back and everything would be fine so I waited. I thought that if you loved me would be back to save me."
My eyes widen and I feel the heat of tears roll down my cheeks slowly.
Goten gasps and reaches up to my cheek.
"A-are you alright?! Why are you crying?"
I grasp his hand and he flinched slightly.
"Goten! Goten! I love you! I don't know if I ever truly said it to you but I mean it now! I promise to never leave you like that again do you understand?!" He shivers and our eyes are so absorbed in each other that I forget where i am as he nods with his cute deep blush.
"O-okay. I love you too Okaru."
I grin and pull him into a tight embrace and he softens against my chest and I just breathe him in.
All I want is to remember his scent and his touch and the way he looks at me everytime.
I left someone so special to me for two weeks-how could I have been so stupid?!
Trunks pov
I'm so tired....bleh
Maybe we have some food in the fridge from last night?
It's still dark outside but that's cause its 2:30 am. Ofcourse it's dark. Why does that matter?
I hope I didn't wake Gohan.....
"Mmmmm....mashed potatoes."
I put the bowl into the microwave and lean against the counter with a hum as it stirs.
Maybe I will just have a few bites...I'm not too...ugh....
It's bright......
"Trunks!!! Wake up!!!!"
Why is it so bright?
"Oh my god there's-everywhere!"
Who's talking?
Is that Gohan?
Oh did I wake him up?

My flutter open and I see a white ceiling, then a familiar dark head of hair in the corner of my eye, I follow the hairline to see a face, Gohan? Is that....Gohan?
"Hah?! Trunks?! You're awake!"
He gives a weak smile and leans over to wrap his arms around me which I return with a gentle squeeze.
"Hi...what's going on?"
"Well, I couldn't take you to your moms because of the bleeding so I had her make a house call over here."
"Here?" My brow furrows and he nods curiously.
"I'm so sorry, trunks...but I hate to tell you this. Something....something happened to he baby..."
"Yes. was injured when you fell, because you fell on your stomach. It had to be an immediate c-section, he is so premature though so we can't see him right now okay?"
My brow furrows again and I feel a slight panic go through me.
"H-he is....premature?"
Gohan nods, his hand squeezing mine.
"H-he got hurt....because I fell?"
His eyes widen and he panics in his voice clearly.
"It's not your fault! You blacked out! Don't you DARE think this is your fault do you understand?!" I feel my fingers tremble under his touch and I grip his shirt pulling him closer.
"I want to see him!"
He flinches, "I'm sorry but like I said, it's too dangerous to go in the room. But we can look from the window if that's alright enough for you."
I whimper and fall back onto the bed. He sighs and joins me, laying against me to hold me close.
" long was I out?"
"Mmph, two days."
"I'm scared."
He is silent but then his arm tightens around my hips and I feel him breathe out.
"Me too."

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