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Trunks pov
This morning, Gohan is extremely cuddly. A little handsie too but I'm not complaining. He runs his fingers through my soft hair, breathing quietly and staring into my eyes, I'm returning the gaze.
"Trunks you're so beautiful in the morning, you know?"
I smile with a blush creeping to my face and decide to get up. I sit up but I'm pulled back onto the bed with a chortle from Gohan.
"Where do you think you're going? I just complimented you!"
I smirk and turn to face him, a soft kiss to his lips. He smiles and I feel his teeth a little. He whimpers and pulls away.
"I just want to leave a mark is that okay? Nothing else?" He pleads. I'm confused so I give him a curious look. He pushes me down onto my back and brings his lips to my right hip and bites making me cry out in pain.
"Ah! G-gohan careful"
"If I'm too careful, it won't make a mark..."
I shiver and he starts to suck on the tender skin, his hands pressing at my sides gently rubbing circles into my skin.
"Mph." He makes little grunts here and there and I'm not surprised. He is a little noisy when it comes to stuff like this. But I don't mind it, in fact I find it adorable.
"Gohan are you done?" He looks up at me, mouth still attached and bites down on my skin again, this time harder and I buck my hips a little.
"O-ow! You're biting too ha-ah!" His hand has moved to my cock and he starts to tug up and down.
"You liar you said just a mark!"
He let's go of my skin and looks up, wiping his mouth from his drool.
"You said it hurt so I'm making you feel good down here too okay?"
I groan and make a slow nod.
He smiles and goes back to work on my hip, the skin is so tender there now, if I put clothes on I wonder if it will be too irritating. His other hand is still rubbing up and down my cock and now I'm moaning softly, gripping his hair, my erection growing. I wouldn't be surprised if he had one as well but he doesn't seem to want me to take care of his.
I shiver a little.
He bites down again and grips my cock hard, keeping me from cumming because he knows my body so well.
I whimper and tug his hair harder to beg silently and he shakes his head, meaning a firm no.
He won't be letting me cum this morning.
He makes a loud sucking and slurping noise before removing his mouth from my hip and I look down at the red marks.
"Pretty." He smirks and presses his finger to my new mark.
I wince a little at the tender spot and he hums in satisfaction, letting go of my erection as well. He stands up and I can clearly see how turned on he is but he makes no notice to himself, seemingly forced, but I roll with it and he starts to throw on his clothes and tosses my clothes to me.
Okaru pov
My mate stands in the bathroom, slightly hunched over, brushing his teeth and then spits into the sink. I've already brushed my teeth this morning, as I am dressing myself at the moment. He walks into the room, then moves behind me and wraps his arms around the small of my waist, head nuzzled to my back.
"Oka, why did you have to be so rough?" He groans.
I chuckle and turn to face him, and give him a soft kiss to his forehead.
"Apologies Goten. You know I love you to such an extent that I can't help myself."
He whimpers and flies up a little to catch my lips and I laugh into the kiss. He makes such an effort sometimes just to reach my face. He has such a small figure.
I hear a muffled crying across the hallway and instantly recognize it.
"Gomai" we say in synchronization.
He frowns a little because he isn't dressed properly.
I happen to be dressed correct so I go to take care of the child.
When I enter I see my little girl, who at night had been snuggled next to Gotai, now having her hair pulled by Gotai whom is sleeping and most likely unconscious of his actions. I reach into the crib and untangle his fingers making soothing sounds to my child and remove her from the crib. I turn to the door and there stands Trunks, my brother in law, who yawns.
"Oh, I thought maybe it was Gotai."
I shake my head, "No dear friend it was my little one. I'll see you downstairs at breakfast"
He nods and goes back to his room, most likely collecting Gohan.
Downstairs I find the Prince and Kakarot, my mate who is stuffing himself with food, the namekian named Piccolo, the short one called Krillin, the weak one called Yamcha, the three eyed one called Tien, the dwarf called Chaoitsu,  the old man called roshi, the android called 18 and then the rest of the people I know. Goten gave me little ways to recognize these interesting fellows of my brethren.
After breakfast, Whis joins the room and clears his throat. All eyes gather to him.
"You are all here because I needed the saiyans, but they insisted you come for safety. Please do not take my kindness as a sign of friendliness. You are here simply because I had no choice. Now, Son Goku, you are the strongest in this room clearly."
I gawk at the fact that someone can be stronger than the prince.
"I need to gather all Saiyans to create the god. You must use all of your energy to offer this power to Goku."
"But why must we give it to Kakarot? Won't this power make a saiyan stronger? Should the prince not be given such a gift?"
As Vegeta clears his throat, Whis gives me a perplexed look.
"I believe that because son Goku is the strongest, with that power he can prove his worth to Beerus. If we were to give it to Vegeta, we know he couldn't be strong enough to do so. However I have faith that if Goku proves his worth, then Vegeta may have that opportunity to become a god as well."
I nod, my daughter shifting in my arms slightly.
Goten leans into my shoulder and I notice the small scarring on his wrist from a long time ago. I make a mental whine at myself but I'm soon drawing my attention back to Whis.
"How many Saiyans does it take, or how much energy will it cost us to grant Kakarot this newfound strength?" The prince asks.
Whis frowns.
"We need at least four full-blooded Saiyans but it looks as though you do not have that amount. However if we have two half bloods it may count as one combined."
Trunks and Gohan nod to eachother, understanding their part in this. I look to Goten, knowing he may not be applied to this phenomenon and he has a disappointed look across his face. I soften my expression and pat his head.
He swats my hand away and I frown.
He isn't happy.
In fact he may be extremely angry.
I remove all touch to him and his chair scrapes the floor loudly, interrupting the conversation and leaving a stunned silence in the dining hall.
He removes himself from the room with no words but a low growl and a distant slam of a door.
"I apologize for my mates behavior. He...well I don't know what is wrong..."
Kakarot looks at me curiously and I return the same blank expression.
Vegeta turns back to Whis and asks one more question.
"When shall we begin training?"
Whis smirks and hoists his staff into the air.
"As soon as you like dear prince."
Kakarot seems a little more excited now and so do the other saiyans, but I'm still stuck with a wandering mind.
Goku pov
Obviously Vegeta is excited for me, but that's all it is. He is only excited for me. He's not...happy.
My hand goes to the small of his back and I rub it gently, his skin is warm even through his shirt, yet his eyes are cold.
"Whis. I believe we would like to start training after we have had our breakfast. And we will most likely need to be given the schedule you expect and where we must go."
"Yes of course. We will be training on a planet only a few light years away from Lord Beerus. It's called Adratha. It's desolate but beautifully made. I can offer you all needs and wants, as long as you eat on your own accord and sleep on your own accord."
I nod and Vegeta's back stiffens at my touch.
I frown and inhale quietly.
He is irritating me so I pinch the skin on his lower spine and he winces with a slight jump.
He turns to me with a scary glare and I grunt at him.
Vegeta rolls his eyes and stands up.
"I'll go see to my other son."
Okaru looks at me curiously.
"He means Goten"
He nods and Vegeta leaves the mess hall.
"Well then, what's for breakfast?" Yamcha asks quietly.
I sigh and turn to krillin.
"F-fuck you guys I'm not always making you your food okay?! Just today...."
He goes into the kitchen and the silence turns into a loud murmur of serious discussion.
But I'm still here worried about my son and my mate.
Junior pov
"This castle is HUGE!"
Gine smirks and tugs at my hair.
"I bet I can go to the other end before you do"
My eyes get big and I growl.
"No! I can do it! Not you!"
She let's go of my hair and we give eachother the signal to go and we start flying across the roof.
"Almost there!" Gine yells. I mutter angrily and she laughs, but gets smacked in the face by a sudden incline in the roof and I turn to her laughing, Ofcourse I run into something too with a loud "OOF" before landing on the roof exhausted.
"Okay *pant* you win this time, castle."
Gine groans in agreement a little ways from me.
I sit up and run over to help her up and she swats my hand away.
"I can DO IT"
I whine and rub my hand gingerly.
"Hey, what do you think that Lord Beerus guy is like?"
She shrugs and looks up to the sky, covering her eyes from the sun with her hand.
"But I sure wanna fight 'em that's for damn sure."
"I think I just want to see him. I don't know about fighting him. Mommy says he's pretty tough and dangerous. Tougher and dangerouser than daddy."
Gine looks back at me, my hands fidgeting in front of me.
"Well, even if he is, I still wanna fight him"
I nod and we both smile curiously.
We both jump at the sound of Piccolos voice and he stands at an open window beckoning with his arms for us to come to him.
Gine and I groan, we've been caught, that's for damn sure.
Piccolo tanks is into the room, it looks like it might be his own bedroom and he tosses us onto the bean bag chair before sitting across from us on the bed.
"If your fathers had found you, I'm sure you would have been given a serious beating. Do you know how dangerous it is to be on the roof of this place?"
"But we can fly uncle pickle!" Gine groans and uncle piccolo glares at her for calling him pickle.
She still can't pronounce his name properly and she doesn't mean to call him pickle but she can't help it.
I frown and look at uncle piccolo.
"We can fly but we sort of raced and we both got knocked down by the roof...." I stare at my shoes and Gine growls at me for telling.
Piccolo sighs and reaches out to Gine, then me, and sits us on his lap.
"Look, these are very dangerous and serious times for us all, so we need you guys to learn to grow up a little before you start going around and doing stupid shit like that alright?"
My sister and I nod, and he gestures for us to go off on our own.
Gine glares at me and I glare back, sticking my tongue out.
Oh how it is to be seven years old.

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