How Do You Love Me?

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Vegeta pov
I stare at the attractive fool who sits comfortably across the table from me. My facial expression is that of disbelief. My eyes wide and mouth slightly slacked.
There's no way he could agree to love me so way in hell
"H-how do you find this so comfortable? You-how can you agree to something so permanent so quickly,-you idiot! You don't know what this is do you!?"
I stood at the last sentence, chair scraping back and my hands slamming against the table in effort to make it visible how much it irked me.
His eyes showed his nonchalantless.
How? I felt the blush creep to my cheeks and for some reason, tears to my eyes.
"You're right Vegeta, I don't know what this is but I'm willing to try. You have only been with me for a full two days and now look how happy and calm I am. I'm not depressed or constantly sobbing. Obviously you are doing something right."
I grit my teeth.
I wasn't supposed to be doing something right I was just supposed to see if. He loved me. The tears began to flow.
They streamed down my cheeks and my chest irked.
"You don't get it! This is love I am speaking of!" My fist slammed the table making it rattle obnoxiously and Kakarot twitched. He was agitated. I could feel his tense stare.
"Why are you acting like this?" He asked calmly.
"Shut the fuck up! You don't get it! I'm asking you to be my husband! Forever..."
"And I said yes. I have known you long enough to decide I would spend my life with you. I mean it's been what, almost 18 years?"
"That-that's not it! I-I had a mate once. When I was traveling under Friezas rule. He was a survivor of our race....."
I looked up to see the saiyans curious expression.
"You never mentioned this before...."
"Well no shit, you brat! This damn planet disagrees with the idea of two males together! I couldn't tell the woman! She would bully me till she died!"
Kakarot sniffed, insisting I continue.
"His name was....Retaru. He....was different than the others."
"It's alright my prince....they are gone, you can come out now."
I look to my mate,unsure. He is bleeding profusely from his arm and my senses of worry take over as I rush to his side, tearing my own garment to wrap his wound.
He smiles softly at my affections and pats my head like he always had, his hand trailing down my cheek to cup my face and looking deeply into my eyes. My heart stops, looking forward to his next move which I can predict quite well.
His spikey messy hair blows slightly in the wind as all is silent but our breathing.
He leans in, softly and warmly pressing his lips to mine. He is delicious and I crave more and more, the worry from moments ago, slowly fading. His breath from his nostrils splays on my cheek and my skin tingles. I wrap my hands around his shoulders caressing his back, and he leans me back, pressing himself tightly to me, lifting my shirt, fingers touching everything possible, tongues furiously colliding, breathing scattered, manhood rubbing....
End flashback
I shake my head to hide the memory. Kakarot states at me blankly.
I feel my cheeks the way Retaru used to and realize they are dripping with tears. Shock covers my face and quickly cover my face, running outside and jumping into the night sky to fly off.
Kakarots voice calls after me in frightened tones....
Goku pov
Vegeta just....left.
What happened in those silent moments that he stood so scared and feverish in front of me?
I can only guess that Retaru was no longer alive considering the reaction of the Prince having brought him up.
Did I have to replace him? Did I need to prove I was just as good, even better?
No time for this I need to go find Vegeta.
I run after, calling his name a few times and speeding off towards him. If I know Vegeta well enough, he will go to the cave in the south face of the Raru mountain.
I make my way there and ofcourse there he sits, choking on his own tears. And I felt something for him that I had never felt before. I felt pity, empathy, sadness. It was strange to feel something so deep for the man who countless times had claimed his bloodlust for my death. My eyes grew half lidded in tiresome and I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck.
He hears my sigh and looks to me painfully, then turns away, burying his face in his folded knees.
"I-I don't like to allow others to see me this way." He growls.
I nod.
"You should leave. I don't want you to think any less of me by seeing my current actions"
I shake my head, "no, you're wrong. I could never think less of you, Vegeta. After what you did to fight Buu, no one could possibly think less of you." I slowly make my way to where he sits and he tries to scoot away but he grows hesitant when I am close enough to touch him. His eyes dart back and forth, unsure what to do.
I sit, next to him, folding my legs.
He huffs.
I know the best things to do right now is to just be there. Not to do anything but just be there.
I feel his anxiousness through the air around him.
He is tense and thinking. I know that.
Suddenly, his head is on my shoulder and he lets out a shaky breath from previously crying but also his nervous mentality.
I lean my head atop his and wrap my arm around his side, clasping my hand at his thigh, not sexually but only to comfort.
He melts into the touch and his body relaxes.
But he is still shaking slightly.
I notice I am too.
I never imagined myself doing this for him or to him. He was always so distant from me and now we are the closest we have ever been.
I'm seeing things of him I never expected I would.
"I won't leave you." I break the silence.
I don't plan to. I want to be this person for him. No matter who or what we fight, I will not leave him. It's decided. I refuse to.
Vegeta looks up to me, causing me to look down. I smile gently and he looks scared. For the first time, truly scared. I think he is trying to decide if I mean it. So I let him search my eyes.
He seems to find the answer he was looking for, and smiles. I lean my face down, close to his, and he reaches upward with his own, and we meet together, our lips gently touching, partly open. He breathes into the kiss, eyes squinting but soon relax and so do mine.
I press slightly harder to assert my truth in actions and he gets it. His head is craned forward and I kiss harder, pushing him back.  We pull away, panting for air and I stand, pulling him up to stand with me.
His eyes are half lidded in a daze and mine are wide open. We look at each other longingly and unsure what to say, so we say nothing. I bring him outside and we fly back home.

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