Journey back

701 31 4

Vegeta pov
I sit up tiredly, rubbing my eyes and yawning.
Are they really awake right now? How can they possibly be screaming so loud at such a time?
I turn to shake Kakarot but he scrunches himself and I realize it's no use, looks like it's my turn.
My eyes roll in the dark and I stretch out to stand but whince at the pain in my abdominals.
The stitches haven't  healed correctly yet and it's still considered and open wound.
I Struggle to climb over the larger Saiyan and finally I'm standing, facing the white crib that the yardrations had given us for the Cubs.
The girl, Gine is trembling and shaking in a feverous sweat as she cries and growls in the thick night.
My junior however is sleeping peacefully.
I don't understand children and I never will. But I enjoy them nonetheless.
"Hush hush hush now girl." I rasp as I reach in and pull her to my chest, rocking her gently. She coughs and cackles and her little eyes open to see who is holding her. When she sees me she smiles and gurgles, bubbles of drool spilling out the corners of her mouth and I take the edged of my shirt to wipe it off.
" sloppy you are little girl."
"Mph-Geta is she-ugh-is she up again?" Kaka's sleepy voice is heard throughout the ship and I turn with her in my arms to show him.
He chuckles as he rubs his eyes and takes her in his hands, hugging her close.
She goes silent and soon she is snoring softly against his chest. He looks down at me with a gentle smile and kisses my forehead as I sigh.
"See? She just doesn't like sleeping away from us. Let's put her in bed with us please?"
His eyes are so pleasing and it's just childish but I roll my eyes again and nod, turning to grab my junior and he shifts in my grasp slightly.
Just like me as a child.
I guess that's something I will have to work on with him.
I crawl onto my own bed with kaka and he pulls me up to him, the little infants in between us laying on their backs.
My hands act on reflex and they start to smoothly rub the scalp of my little boy.
I'm not sure why I'm doing this it just feels....right to do.
He hiccups in his slumber and turns to face me more and leans into my fingertips.
What a peculiar boy....
"Hicccccc" he half hiccups again and it turns into a snore and I blush embarrassed.
How cute!
What a strange one he is. Ever since we got back into the ship, he has been so confusing.
He doesn't like to be held at times, but at other times, he really enjoys my touch.
I must treat him the way my mother did.
With extreme love and care until the very end
I look up, my thoughts dissipating.
"Do you suppose we will have any alone time when we get back?"
I smirk and pull the taller to my face and kiss him roughly.
"We will make some."
He smiles in a heated daze and nods, closing his eyes.
My boy curls up and nestles to my chest as does the girl to kaka.
What strange infants we have, peculiarly adorable in every way.

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