On our own?

753 33 5

Goten pov
"You're joking, right Dad?" I feel every inch of me shake in a mix of excitement and fear.
How is he ok with this? None of it seems to be alright in any way!
What if...what if something happens...and I'm not ready?
Dad giggles nervously and scratches his cheek with his index finger.
"Well....no I'm not joking. This actually wasn't my idea to be honest, it was more of Vegetas decision. I guess the walls here are thinner than I thought, and I kind of agree with Vegeta. I don't want you to be forced to listen to us every night..."
"You guys are doing it EVERYNIGHT?!"
He laughs and pats my shoulder, shaking his head.
"Hahahahaha! Oooooofcourse we are son."
He notices my scrunched up face and giggles again, ruffling my hair like mom used to and I get a slight pang of a soft memory.
I limped into the kitchen crying and my cheeks stung and my feet were sore and my whole body hurt and I couldn't calm down. My breath was sloppy and shakes and when I found mom she panicked completely at the sight of me.
"It's alright son, you have to grow up sometime right?" Dad asks, breaking my thought.
I look up, confused.
"Dad, I don't get how you can be so calm and slacked about all of this that's happened this year. I mean, you didn't know anymore than I do now and you are willing to let me be sent off into he forest in a single home with my so called mate to do god knows what."
He furrows his brow.
"Son, listen to me. I have never felt the way about someone, the way I do about Vegeta. It's really difficult to describe how much I love him and how I feel when I'm with him. I guess I could say i get skittish and my heart goes crazy and I lose all trail of thought. And I have noticed that's how you are with Okaru. Not only have I noticed it but I strongly feel that you two are something different and special. I just want you to feel that way with someone, because it really is life changing. Okay?"
I'm surprised by the somewhat intelligent speech from my uneducated father but it's true. He seems to have a good view on this world after all he has been through and I can't say I don't believe him.
I hang my head slightly, realizing there is no way out of this.
"Alright dad. But, can you and Vegeta come visit us often? If you don't, I will come by everyday UNANNOUNCED. Got it?"
He shivers, thinking and nods nervously.
"Okay okay I will. I got it!"
I sigh and lay back on my bed.
"Good. Lemme pack, and give me the capsule."
He smiles cheekily and tosses the capsule to me, then leaves the room only for Okaru to enter right after.
"Greetings. Have you heard the news?"
I nod and try to lose eye contact. He always stares into my eyes and it freaks me out.
"Yes.....I have. Let's just get what we have ok?"
He stiffens and turns back to me.
"I don't possess any articles of clothing other than the ones you gave me."
"Okay. Lemme ask my dad...."
Two hours later
All four of us are set to go and standing on the front patio, saying our goodbyes. I tell trunks not to go too far cause I still need him. After all, he is my best friend.
He nods and turns to Gohan.
"Babe, can we just be neighbors with those two. I have a feeling Goten is still gonna need some help."
I hear him and elbow his side to which he winces and apologizes.
"I'm not helpless....I'm just nervous, you ass."
He laughs and nods.
"Sure sure, whatever you say Goten."
I roll my eyes and wave to dad and Vegeta, and we all fly off a few miles to the east.

Okaru pats my back as we enter a clearing and our friends get to a nearby one about a mile away.
He smiles warmly and Ruffles my hair now.
Why is everyone touching my hair?!
"This would be a fine place to live, dear one."
"D-don't call me that."
He furrows his brow, meeting my stare and I shake it off, then throw the capsule after clicking it.
The house makes a loud sucking noise and pops out of the capsule, and the house looks cozy enough to me. It's small and the outer walls are yellow, with an oak door and the roof is a clay red.
It's not exactly much to look at, but it's definitely something.
"I've...never lived on my own before...." I mumble. I'm still really nervous every about all this.
Okaru nods towards the house and makes his way to the door without saying anything.
It's unusual for him not to respond to me but I brush it off.
The TV is intact...surprisingly, and there is only one bedroom which gives me slight shivers. I decide to start making lunch while Okaru puts the clothes away.
It's been only a bout fifteen minutes when a high pitched and girlish shriek soars through the air.
"DEVIL FROM BEYOND! YOU DARE THEEATEN TO ENTER MY DOMAIN?! I WILL DIMINISH YOU LIKE THE FOWL SMELLING BEAST YOU ARE!" The voice instantly is from Okaru and I quickly throw off my apron and rush to his voice.
He stands dauntingly yet somehow frightened and threatens a raised finger towards a small wolf pup that sits curiously in the open doorway.
"It's a dog, Okaru."
He practically leaps out of his skin at the sound of my voice. I must have frightened him.
I laugh lightly and swivel around his large intimidating figure to swoop the pup into my arms, cradling it as it nestles against my chest.
I turn to Oakru and gesture for him to look.
"See? It's okay. He is harmless."
Okaru nods nervously, but something in his eyes switch and he turns away from me, folding his arms with a hint of jealousy.
"I see, so you welcome kindly to new coming animals but not to your own mate? It is demeaning to me to finally see my true potential in your eye."
I groan and roll my eyes, then shove the dog into his arms and he frantically struggles to cradle it himself while I go back to cooking and he seats himself on the couch in the living room, staring out the window as the pup sleeps.
Once lunch is done I make my way to the dem and find an interesting sight.
I have never seen someone look so peaceful.
Okaru is nestled into the couch, lazily , and the puppy sleeps on his rising and falling chest calmly.
And I get the strangest urge to kiss him. Just a soft one...

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