it isnt Pan ◎ Part 29

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( the pictures I have in here I found but I forgot the source, I saw the pictures and absolutely loved the idea of it. normally I'd like to leave it up to your imagination so please if you don't like it, picture how you like it, I just thought I'd share what I pictured <3 )

the adventures to have in neverland are running rather low, I can only piss pan off so much until he snaps. or until he gets tired of me... rumor has it though, there's something the mermaids are afraid of, and it isn't Pan. I think of a billion things when I first wake up, but being awake at the witching hour is no fun. you can hear the lost boys cry softly in their sleep around camp. you can hear wolves from nearly the other side of the island, howl at the moon. you can hear a little lost girl losing hope in herself.. but you can also hear a little narcissistic asshole become shadier and shadier. I think I should adventure today. learn about the island and learn it's helpful little tips.

I drift off to sleep and sleep till the birds are chirping and I can hear some of the lost boys already eating breakfast. Pan makes them eat 3 even 4 times a day. he's really not as bad as he seems sometimes, he makes sure they stay healthy with how much training they do. I roll my face in the pillow and groan.

"not a morning person I assume?"

my head jerks up go see nonetheless but Pan.

"Peter you're becoming predictable, just let a girl rest more"

"defy me again and there will be consequences-"

I sat up and looked at Pan,



this was Pan's final straw here we go,

"I'm not staying here any longer. I no longer wish to be at this camp, I'll build my own little hut."

Pan looked at me with both anger and confusion before cracking a small smile,

"and how will you eat?"

"do I really look that incompetent? I killed a buck and made a knife out of his antler by myself and you think I'll have a hard time finding food? damn,"

and that's when a dark cloud of smoke stealthy appeared and swallowed Pan up. he transported to his hut cause he was done with me talking. what a punk man. I packed up the little things I had with me and went off to find a new area with enough flat terrain to build something small but wonderful in its own way.

I know I have feelings for Pan, but I'm scared. I can only be mean and obnoxious for so long. what I've always felt is pure, but with who I've become, I'm not so sure. theres definitely something about defying someone that stirs my blood. Lissa has been m.i.a with Felix lately. they've become serious, I think Felix wants to have a ceremony, but who knows, just Neverland gossip I suppose. I need to figure out how to get Micha off the island. only Pan would know and obviously we aren't on the best of terms even though I might sorta love him. but I sorta also kinda hate him. it's complicated, we don't have a healthy whatever the heck it is we have. but hopefully this time apart will be good for us. hopefully.

I came across a well forested area, perfect for a beautiful little hut. other than the fact it was a little steep. I wanted a flat terrain but this will have to do. before leaving the camp I had taken some spell books and some pencils from one of Pan's several rooms, nothing I'm sure he would notice missing. he never went in those rooms when I stayed with him. I sat against the tree near where I would put the front door. I doodled among the pages of the spell books, learning how to create a hut for myself, that still has a homey vibe to it. now that I look back to it, it taught me a lot and I'm thankful for it. the skills I acquired back home, help me survive here. and having magic just because I'm angry about almost everything, that's just a bonus. by the time the doodle is done, I look up and see the hut before me, I must've been too distracted in my thoughts to have noticed.

lost in neverland // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now