my new profound power ◎ Part 25

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*Pan's pov*


his name rolls of my tongue so slyly it startles him. He whips around with wide eyes, quickly recovering to normal.


it sounds like he wants to say more but he stops. We stare at each other for a moment before I start on Eliza's hut. This is someone else's job, but I need answers. Steph mumbled it in her sleep that the hut needed to be done today. but, these answers that I need, can only come from Felix.

Felix clumsily tries to help me arrange the hut for her majesty's best friend. Why is everyone so much more nervous around me? First steph and now Felix?

Felix snaps up and bluntly states,

"I see the way you look at Steph, and how she looks at you. and it sure isn't the same way Alissa and I look at each other,"

he opens his mouth to continue but I cut him off,

"if you ever looked at my steph the way you look at Alissa I'd do a lot worse than kill you"

"Your steph? She's yours or you are each other's?"

His question makes me think, I think she feels the same as I do. Then again if she didn't it wouldn't matter, she's mine forever now.

"I'm asking the questions. How do you deal with her?"

Felix is looking past me and he looks cautious. I turn my head and my very own green eyed beauty smacks me across the face.

*Steph's pov*

I wake up in an unfamiliar room. all I remember is falling asleep in Pan's room, in his bed, and in his arms. the shining sunlight coming from the small window on the right side of the room was gonna prohibit me from sleeping any later than it already was. I pull the pillow over my head and think back to wonderland. the screams of the jabberjays still linger in the back of my mind, sending doubt through my entire body about Peter and I. something tells me he only wants me for my new profound power.

"my Steph,"

echoes through my ears. Pan is talking about me. I try to keep calm and find something as an anchor to calm me down. Wishing I could use Pan, but of course he's the damn reason I'm acting this way.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. And out.

My breathing balances out and I'm normal again.


I run out of the room and try to spot Pan. he's not in his hut, so I slide down the ladder as fast as I can, burning my hands slightly, but my adrenaline is pumping so I can't feel it much. I scan the area left to right, I look towards my hut, my eyes lock onto Pan and Felix and I go crazy again. I stomp over right away ready to unleash everything onto him. I take all my body weight and push it forward in a slap across his face as he turns around. he grips his cheek and looks at me. the pupil of his eye grows and takes over almost all the green.

"what the hell?!"

Felix backs away slowly to go find Lissa. if somebody could calm Steph down, it's her.

"I know the only fucking reason you "like" me Pan,"

"oh? and what's that love.." 

his eyebrow raises, making my hands start to burn. he's igniting the fire. before I can even respond, Lissa runs in knowing I could do something drastic,

"uhhhhh.... Steph! I've missed you, let's catch up!"

she grabs my arm and drags me away. one look back at Pan and the small green left in his eyes was now gone.

*Pan's pov*

Felix scoffs and continues putting the hut together,

"so much for your Steph..."

I groan softly and speak low through my gritted teeth,

"my question stands. how do you deal with her? Alissa that is."

"I don't know. she and I don't fight like you and Steph."

before I can even respond, a girl walks up to us. and not Alissa or Steph. so this must be the new girl.

"Elizabeth....I'm Peter. Peter Pan."

"ah, Steph's lover or whatever got it,"

a look of shock shoots across my face, did Steph really call me that to the new girl? Felix puts the last few touches on the hut and walks away to go train the boys. he's been taking control lately since I've been feeling fairly absent, over the loss of my beloved. maybe she knows why Steph is so unhappy here with me..

"can you tell me her deal?.."

"who? Steph?"

"yeah. you were with her for that entire time. start talking."

"I don't know. she just feels you didn't look hard enough for her. may I sleep? please? I'm exhausted.."

I step away from the door of her hut and she passes by me and climbs inside. whatever I do, I can't let her and Steph know that Eliza's brother who went missing.. is actually Alec. knowing my little adventurer Steph, she would try to reunite them for some happy family bonding. I cannot let him near my little lost girl. I channel my energy and appear behind Steph, who's sitting by mermaid lagoon, with her feet in the water.

" know it's not safe to be near mermaid lagoon,"

Steph jumps and shoots a glare at me,

"and you know not to sneak up on me Peter,"

she stands up quickly and tries to move past me with her boots in hand,


I step in front of her,

"do you think I didn't look hard enough for you? what?"

"you didn't. I was supposedly gone a whole damn month and you didn't even find me on the fucking neighbor island Peter.."

her face drops from anger and turns to immediate sadness, in the distance I see dark clouds rolling in. the island missed her, so her emotions are affecting the weather more than normal.

"I'm starting to think you only like me for my new power. cause I don't know how to control it, and you do.."

for one of the first times, it actually hurts. I can't help it.

"Stephanie.. you know I can't show my emotions well.. just give me a chance please."

"just.. give me time. those jabberjays fucked me up. all I heard was your voice... screaming that the kiss meant nothing. that none of it meant anything.. I-I'm tired.. I'll see you tomorrow for training."

and with that, a cloud of dark smoke engulfed her and she was gone. I look out on the horizon. this storm is going to do some damage.



much love

and stay not a grown up.


lost in neverland // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now