i'll protect you, ya know ◎ Part 8

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SONG SUGGESTION; to build a home - the cinematic orchestra ( seriously though this song fits so well, I listened to is on repeat as I wrote this.. enjoy! )

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in. the warm neverland air was leaving the island slowly, and dark grey clouds were beginning to form. all the boys including Pan have gone to bed. I sit in the silence of my hut as I hear rain droplets begin to fall. it's not a hard rain, but more of a spring shower. I stand up, and open the creaky little door to my hut. that fresh rain smell is upon me and I couldn't be more grateful. I've missed rain. it's odd hours of the night but, I still feel the need to look around camp to be sure that nobody is awake. the rain becomes more steady as I walk around the empty camp. leaving the camp, my hair and clothes are hardly touched by the water as I walk through the woods towards the beach. loud thunder erupts from above me startling me, for I can hardly hear the waves crash onto the grainy sand in front of me. I sit at the edge of the water and dig my toes into the sand. all this reminds me of home. I thought coming here would make me feel less alone, not more. I pull my knees to my chest and rest my forehead upon them. my hair and clothes are soaking wet by now, yet I have no sudden urge to head back to camp. I sit and ponder every decision I've made since I came here. maybe I should stop bucking Pan's rules so much and just follow orders. train hard. stay out of his way. I'm so tired of being strong. I can't handle Pan.

"you're gonna catch a cold if you stay out here you know"

the sudden voice surprises me and I look up to see my favorite person; Devin.

"Dev you can't go sneaking up on people like that. what're you even doing up?"

Devin shrugs at me,

"the thunder woke me up. and when I left my hut to get some fresh air I saw your door open and got worried."

I let out a small laugh.

"alright, why are you really up?"

Devin let out a small chuckle and a sigh,

"I couldn't sleep. I heard your door open, well I didn't know it was your door. but I heard the door and went to check. and when I saw it was yours, I got worried. and I see now I should be,"

he scoffs

"I told you stephy you're bound to catch a cold. come back to camp, we can talk there."

he stands up and offers a hand to me, I gladly take it considering I'm already extremely weak.

"so Dev, I see you made a nickname for me."

I nudge his side with my elbow teasingly as we walk through the rain.

"well yeah, you call me Dev, and I call you Stephy."

knowing I have a friend here other than Lissa makes me feel more at home, and less...alone. Devin and I walk back to camp in silence as we listen to the rain hit the tree tops above us. the beach isn't far from camp, so the walk takes little to no time. and even though I'm completely drenched, I wish the walk would have taken longer.

"I should change, I'll knock on your door when I'm done alright?"

I smile at Devin and nod softly. I should really change too. I go back into my hut and rummage through the drawers. all I have is another t-shirt and some shorts. what a way to stay warm. I quickly change and put my hair in a messy bun. the second I finish, Devin knocks on my door. his hair is still wet and shaggy from the rain. but his clothes are dry and he looks so warm. and rest on his arm, is a jacket.

"I figured you haven't been given a jacket yet, so..here."

he smiles at me and hands me his jacket.

"Dev, you don't have to I'll be alright it's yours-"

"you're in shorts and a t-shirt. I swear you're gonna get sick and I'm gonna have to take care of you so just wear the damn jacket would you?"

I roll my eyes and throw it on. it smells like pine and old spice. it was oddly comforting. Devin steps inside and sits on my bed as I light another candle.

"so Stephy, you never told me why you were awake,"

"oh, it's nothing worth talking about really-"

before I can finish he cuts me off with a hug. tears form in my eyes and I hug him back. I rest my head on his shoulder as I take in his scent. his warm body was so welcoming. I felt at peace. sadly, he lets go shortly after,

"you know I care, please tell me."

"Dev I thought coming here would make me feel less alone. I have Lissa sure, but before you talked to me. it's like everybody feared me.."

"they fear Pan. not you. Pan is constantly reminding us boys that you're his. that you belong to him."

"AS IF! I belong to nobody but myself, I am sure of that much."

Devin smiles at my remark, I truly loved his smile. everything about this boy seemed to scream home. not like my old home, but here home. like I was safe.

"Stephy are you okay?"

he noticed I had zoned out in thought.

"I am. thank you. for being there for me."

I hug him again and kiss his cheek. he blushes and stands up to leave, I walk up to the door, to shut it after he leaves. he walks about halfway to his hut before he yells over the rain,

"I'll protect you, ya know. nothing bad will happen to you as long as I'm around."

tears come to my eyes. I run out of my hut to hug him again.

"Dev? will you stay with me tonight? please?"

without releasing the hug he whispers back to me,

"I will."

we walk back to my hut and climb into my bed. I naturally rest my head on his torso and his arms wrap around me. as I drift off to sleep I feel him kiss my head. I'm finally safe.


Stephy and Dev wat r u doin.

Pan gon' kill u.

lolol okay serious note though I ship Steph and Devin????? #sorrynotsorry???? #okayalittlesorry??? but seriously though this was such a cute chapter to write like can this legit happen in my life please omg.

guys how do you think Pan will take this

don't forget to vote!

much love


( see what I did there c; )

lost in neverland // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now