gemstones ◎ Part 18

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Pan would bring her food three times a day. but no matter what she refused to look at him. day by day she was becoming weaker. poor girl hadn't seen daylight in over a week. He made her feel like she had a reason to hate herself. being brutally honest, she didn't even want Devin anymore. she didn't want anything to do with anybody but her baby sister. at night when the boys had gone to bed, and Pan had peaceful and thoroughly fallen asleep. Steph would pick the lock and would sit on his bony with her feet swaying off the side. until one night...
                              * steph's pov*
I.. I need to play the game. I know his tricks, and how he plays his game. and it was time somebody beat him at it. I hear his door open abruptly to see an enraged Pan. In the distance I could hear the crickets fade out and a small rumble of thunder hushing the crickets for good. instead of giving Pan a chance to yell or scream at me, I spoke softly, causing him to move next to me. he sits beside me and I rest my head on his shoulder and whisper,

"I'm sorry I picked the lock, I became claustrophobic and you couldn't hear me hear me banging on the door begging for you to come there.. I had a nightmare and I was so afraid... I didn't leave though! I stayed right here I promise!!"

I whispered slightly and forced a tear knowing it would land on his shirt. he sighed and spoke softly,

"I don't get why you think I'm out to get you. I genuinely care and adore you. yeah it's really weird for me, I'm not used to having feelings. and definitely not positive. but... when I saw you with Devin.. I got.. jealous. and I ended up hurting you. I'm so.. s-sorry.."

this is the first time I had heard him apologize and I wasn't questioning it. and I won't lie, it was kinda cool to see the king of neverland apologize. I looked into his eyes as the moonlight bounced off of them and reminded me of green topaz gemstones. I always adored the color of his eyes. when he seemed sane. he leaned closer and I could feel his hot breath on my shoulder. neverland was 30° or so and I was in a tank top and shorts. chills formed down my spine and down my arms. he noticed and took my hand and helped me up knowing how weak I've become. instead of leading me down the hall to the room I had been locked in for over a week, he lead me to a different room. one I wasn't so familiar with. Pan's room. when he opened the door, I was dumbfounded. he had an antler chandelier, silk curtains, a bearskin rug, a closet you could get lost in,truly surprised about his closet considering we all only ever see him in that one outfit. and a canopy bed with a red and gold bedspread. his bed was truly made for a king. turning around and breaking my gaze from his phenomenal room, I see Pan taking off his shirt to reveal abs  you could wash your damn clothes on. I'm not surprised though, with training his lost boys and hunting and whatnot, he was bound to have abs.

"enjoying the view love?"

I shake my head to knock myself out of the daze I was in.

"oh.. I.. I uhm."

I feel my cheeks turn bright red as I see him smirk. he climbs into bed and pats the spot beside him, wanting me to join. I slowly climb into the bed but stay near the edge. during mid yawn, Pan spoke softly,

"mmmmmm to far,"

I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pull me into his arms and mumble,

"much better"

I could feel the shift in his breathing once he had fallen asleep, but his grip on my waist remained tight. as if he was afraid to lose me. his warm breath hit the back of my neck as he slept, and I couldn't believe I was in his hut. in his room. in his bed. in his arms. it was so strange, but something I wanted to happen. I'm feeling safe because I know as long as I'm with Pan, he won't let anything hurt me. I sigh softly and he adjusts his grip, and with that, I fall asleep.

*4 hours later; Pan's pov*

she's squirming and thrashing around in my arms. I sit straight up and wave my hand, causing the candle next to the bed to catch. she has droplets of sweat on her forehead and her face is pale. she's whimpering. I panic and begin to hell her name and try to shake her awake. by the third yell she sits up quickly, barely missing my head.

"w-what happened?"

she was stuttering. she must've been more afraid than I thought. I pull her into my arms and stroke her hair. this was so weird for me. I'm not used to... loving somebody..
that's right.

"you had a nightmare, you were panicking so I woke you up."

she snuggled into my arms and mumbled a 'thank you' into my chest. I think she finally felt safe. and I was glad it was with me.


much love


lost in neverland // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now