cheaters never win ◎ Part 20

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Pan sits straight up.

"somebody has left Neverland."

he mumbles to himself, as he looks around for his lost girl. she's not in his bed, the candle ignited, and Pan only saw what was to be an outline of somebody. his lost girl. she was with her knees to her chest and her head was down, with her arms firmly gripping her legs. he could hear soft whimper coming from the corner of the room. Steph could feel everything around her. as if she had become apart of the island along with Pan. she felt his body shift from across the room.


Pan sighed, knowing now was not the time to call her on what she had just called him.

"Stephanie what's wrong? did somebody hurt you? I swear, if somebody hurt you I'll kill them."

"no..Peter..come here."

Pan knelt beside her and moved a strand of hair from her face. he was baffled at what could've happened.

"Peter..I..I did something very wrong."

his face dropped from a worried look and he started to become angry. he had a feeling that, his little lost girl, helped somebody escape. Pan spoke darkly,



before she could say another word he lifted her by her arm in a violent motion. he could finally see her face in full light. her cheeks were red. under her eyes were swollen. they were bloodshot. she had been crying. probably for hours before Pan even awoke. that's when he realized, it was all an act. everything. she didn't love him. she didn't like him. it was all to distract him so she could set Devin free. she had learned his game that he was once a master at, and she was cheating.

he dropped her to the floor and she shrieked in pain. he looked down and noticed bruises up and down her arms and legs. the emotion shown across his face, went soft for a mater of 5 seconds before he shook out of it. he was angry. he was angry she used him. he was angry she didn't truly love him. but she did. that's why she felt so guilty. she knew what she did was right, but she felt guilty because she had betrayed her king. he spoke in a rather cheery tone for somebody who was so peeved,

"cheaters never win."

and with that she vanished. into a cage. in trees. she was back to square one. but this time she was in love with the monster who damned her to the cage.

*Steph's pov*

"square one..alright. I can do this."

I look down from the cage to see its only about 10 feet off the ground. I could easily pick the lock and jump down. I mean it would hurt, but think about how much worse it would be to be cramped up in this cage for god knows how long. I remove the knife from my shoe and begin to fidget with the lock. it pops open within a minute. I smile to myself, mentally thanking my step father for teacher me that handy dandy trick. I contemplate jumping, but take a leap of faith kinda. I fall funny and bite my lip to hold back any screams. the taste of blood overwhelms my arm pain and I realize I've bitten my lip open a little. damn, I'm on such a roll. I shove my knife into my boot and struggle towards the opposite way of Pan's camp. the beach on the other side of the island. I can lay low for awhile until Pan cools down. not even half way to the beach, I hear twigs snap behind me. I swiftly take my knife from my boot and turn around.

"I come in peace sweetheart, I'm not gonna hurt you..."

a figure steps out of the shadows. I can't exactly make out who it is.

"show yourself or forever be labeled as a coward in my book and in Pan's."

"oh baby girl, I could care less what Pan thinks. it's what you think that drives me crazy."

he steps out of the shadows and it's simply just the boy from training, but I can't remember which one.

"I never caught your name.."

"Alec. Alec Perlene."

"and you were the one I...?"

"cut. yeah, still hurts baby girl. come kiss it."

I'm disgusted at his behavior, did he not see me fight? does he not know I'm Pan's? well..not Pan's technically. but still his.

"Alec what the hell? you should know better. Pan will kill you."

"Pan took me from my family years ago, he's pushed us all around for years. and well.. a little birdie told me somebody other than Pan has powers.."

he walked closer to me and made a circle around me, tracing his finger across my shoulders.

"and you're gonna help me take over the island baby girl,"

"oh the hell I am."

"baby girl I tried to be sweet.."

he ripped my knife from my hand and pushed me to a tree with it to my neck,

"now, I said you're going to help me. and you have no choice now."

he smiles at me and kisses my jawline. I laugh lightly and he pulls away and copies Pan's eyebrow raise at me,

"what's so funny hm?"

he pushes the knife to my neck.

"you see Alec... you think you're scary. but, I've seen scary. and you don't have his smile."

his facial expression turns to pure rage, but before he can slit my throat I think fast and pull exactly what I did with Pan when I first arrived ; ' I kick my foot out and manage to get behind him. I grab the arm that was moments ago holding a knife to my neck, twist it behind his back and shove my knee to the back of his, causing his knees to buckle. ' literally, exactly what I did to Pan. his knees buckle on command and I yell Pan's name. Pan appears within 30 seconds at most,


"Peter, you don't understand, he threatened me."

"and why should I believe you?"

"oh my god Peter, because I love you, you asshole. I've loved you for awhile now, and you thought it was just a game. it was at first, but I realized that you can't only love the good side of people. you have to love the negative as well... and.. I.. I want you to teach me how to use my powers."

Peter stood before me with shock. but with a sly smirk upon his face. he snapped his fingers and Alec was gone. but I knew it wouldn't be the last I saw of him. Pan grabbed my waist and kissed me softly. Pan was learning to love softly. I'd just have to teach him the last few steps.

oh. idk how I feel idk I just hi uhm I'm sorry how can you not love Pan with his smirk and eyebrow raise I wow okay


much love x


lost in neverland // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now