what pipe? ◎ Part 4

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" trouble indeed love.. "

the corner of his lip drops from the arrogant smirk that had just rest upon his lips, for now it is a cold look that has swept over his face. the last thing I see is him reach his arm out and begin to snap and then black.

I wake up in a cage. a cage? seriously? I reach for my backpack, and to no surprise, my backpack is no longer on me. I look around and see it five feet away hanging on a branch swinging from the wind...and theres no way in hell I can reach it.

"so I assume common curtesy isn't your best trait?"

I assert in a hushed tone ; I feel presence around me so I don't feel the need to speak loudly.

"you're in a cage safe from predators aren't you? I say, I happen to seem very courteous."

a figure appears in front of the cage. Pan's smirking figure.



I say sitting up as much as I can in this god forsaken cage.

"what. is. your. name."

he spits at me.

"oh I'm sorry I thought the all powerful Peter Pan knew everything"

I roll my eyes and immediately remember my sarcastic sense of humor isn't known here, before I can say anything he disappears and reappears behind the cage,

"You are to only call me pan, and taunting me isn't your best bet, girl!"

he kicks my cage making me jump slightly and making him smile devilishly.



"you asked to know my name didn't you? it's Stephanie. but I will only answer to Steph so don't waste your breath."

"you'll answer to what I call you, Stephanie."

I roll my eyes at his simplicity.

"keep rolling your eyes like that and they'll roll right out of that pretty little head of yours."

did he just call me pretty? why does that make my blood boil? maybe coming here wasn't my best idea. my anger seems to be much more noticeable now that I'm all alone. and after all, I'm starting to worry about lissa. I must've spaced out to long to notice because by the time I look around to speak with the devil again, he was nowhere to be seen. I heard the hollering of the boys in camp about a mile or so away, this cage was absolutely wretched. I also heard the pipe. the pipe that awoke me from my nightmare of a life.

"you can hear it can't you?"

I jump as I hear the unexpected voice. I turn my head slightly and see the boy with the scar standing against a tree. how long had he been watching me?

"what pipe?"

I respond sharply.

"see, you're an idiot. I never said a pipe. all I asked was if you could hear it."

he smirks at my mistake


I squeeze one of the bamboo pieces of the cage in my hands realizing my mistake.

"Pan said you need to eat, here."

he plops down to what seems like simply bread and water.

"why should I trust you? you could've poisoned it."

"now why would we kill you Stephanie?"

the familiar voice of lucifer himself returns.

" Felix that's all, I'll handle her."

so Felix is his name..hmp.

"I asked you a question Stephanie."

Pan barks at me.

"I don't know, why wouldn't you kill me? I'm no value to you."

"but you see love, your idiot of a friend has spilled on and on about how you'll find her and how much rage you hold."

"friend? what friend??"

I pray that Lissa wasn't stupid enough to follow me here. suddenly a cage appears beside mine, and to no surprise its my best friend. I sigh and Pan smiles,

"catch up ladies. training begins tomorrow. channel that anger Stephanie."

he says putting emphasis on my name knowing my blood will boil. and with that, he was gone. leaving Lissa and I.

"as happy as I am to see you, what were you thinking?!"

"I was thinking you couldn't control and annoy an island of boys alone, I mean you could, but I figured a little help from skittles is always appreciated."

she said bringing up her childhood nickname; skittles. even in the worst situation, my best friend knew how to make me smile. we tell each other of our first experiences on the island. and to my surprise, hers was much more pleasant, until she met Pan of course. she had landed on the beach same as I, but not surrounded by boys. being alone she had decided to go and look for me, along the way she bumped into Felix, who wasn't as rude to her, but rude all the same. when he brought her back to camp, Pan was furious saying how all of a sudden girls are showing up on his island and how he wasn't happy about it. he ordered Felix to put Lissa in a cage and lissa wasn't going to have it, she started screaming and hitting anybody near her.

"no!! Steph will find me!!! she will kick all of your asses and so will I!!! you won't be able to stop us!"

before she could protest further Pan had done the same snap shit thing he did with me that made me black out. after telling her how my experience was, we slowly begin to drift off to sleep. the pipe is faint but I can hear it, even knowing the boy who plays it was satan himself, it calms my nerves. I sigh.

"goodnight Lissa."

"goodnight Steph."

and with that, I fall asleep.


HEEEEY GUYS. <3 I had Lissa over all week honestly, so my apologies for not updating. I'm hoping to write more tomorrow and hopefully have it up by the next day. and even though this chapter kinda sucked I'm glad it was like over 1000 words yaaay! haha AND props to my amazing friend Amanda!!! the video above was made by her and she's absolutely the sweetest. she's Amanda436 and I suggest you follow her <3 much love.


lost in neverland // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now