breathe ◎ part 15

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" you have powers?"

Lissa looks up from the ground and look at her best friend that seemed to be an entirely new person. Steph wasn't 100% sure what to say.

"seems that way.. I was just so angry at Pan. all I did was lift my hand and he was thrown into a tree. trust me, I don't understand it either."

Lissa nodded.

"let's have a slumber party tonight. I miss being around you all the time."

Steph smiled at her sister, reminiscing of their sleepovers they had when they were kids. it seemed as if years has passed since those days. when she was a text away. when she would swim at Lissa's house in the burning summer heat. sitting on the roof looking at stars. going to the big city. so many memories, so long ago. either way she was happy that if she was in an entirely new hell, she had her baby sister with her.

"alright, is Pan having a fire tonight?"

"he is. why do you ask?"

"you'll see.. you'll see."

Lissa and Steph found the easiest way to stay closer to each other. push the huts closer, and add a door, connecting them. Lissa assumed Steph could conjure up a door with ease, but Steph had no clue how to do that. she needed Pan's help. Lissa began pushing her hut as hard as she could, when Felix showed up to help, making it go much quicker. meanwhile, Steph went to go find lucifer.

not by his thinking tree. not in camp. not by the ocean. not the big rock that I call my "thinking rock." the last place to check is...mermaid lagoon.

"Pannnn! Paaaaaann! where are you?!"

"you sshhhhouldn't be so noisy little girl. you might disrupt a mermaid."

a menacing hiss came from the water, from a mermaid. they weren't the beautiful creatures she had learned about in storybooks. but instead, she looked alien like. her hands were webbed, and she had a slight green tint. Steph  would've run if she could, but she was mesmerized.

"w..where's Pan?"

"oh sweetie, what's the rush.. why not come swimming?"

"I know better than to swim with a mermaid."

"oh c'mon.. we aren't that bad."

she leapt from the water abruptly and pinned Steph to the ground. you would think the mermaids slimy body would make it easy to escape. her nails dug into Steph. her razor teeth began to show.

"do your worst. I'm already in hell."

the mermaid smiled at Steph's sudden simplicity. as she leaned down teeth fully showing, an arrow zipped through the air and hit the mermaids side. she screeched in pain and dove into the water. although Steph was losing blood quickly from the claws, she looked up to see Lissa...and Pan. Pan and the island were connected. he knew where everybody was without thinking of it. Lissa ran over and began to hold her jacket to her best friends arm while mumbling,

"I swear to god Steph, you can't go a damn day without getting into trouble.."

Lissa looked up to Steph and smiled, and Steph knew she was only teasing her cause she loved her. Steph looked beside her and saw a scale, the mermaid had lost. she slid it into her pocket, and looked to Pan. he was leaning against a tree with a slight worried look. Steph's eyes slightly narrowed, and immediately her attention was fixated on Lissa trying to help her up. she lifted her from the ground and they walked past Pan without a word.

getting back to camp, Steph had seen the door had been put in the middle.

"Pan came back to camp and I asked him to just put it there.. he argued for a little bit I finally got him to do it."

"Thanks Lissa, listen, we'll start the sleepover in a little okay? I'm gonna go clean these up."

Steph gestured to her arms and Lissa nodded. Steph made her way into her side of the hut and changed into a tank top and began to clean the wounds. her door creaked open to see Pan.

"that was uh..kinda nerve wrecking earlier wasn't it?"

he spoke softly as he rubbed his hand on the back of his neck.

"I guess."

Steph took the scale from her pocket and set it on her dresser. only to have Pan take it and begin to examine it.

"hey! give that back! it's not yours!"

"but darling...everything on this island is mine. including you."

Steph shoved him back and he hit the wall with a thud.

"why must you be such a pain in the ass?!"

she snatched the scale from his cold hands and returned it to her pocket.

"first of all, you love it when I'm a pain. I know it gives you a rush,"

he caressed her cheek with the back of his hand softly.

"second of all, you should know this neat little trick. see, that scale, when you put it over your nose and mouth, it attaches. it makes it where you can breathe underwater."

Steph took the scale from her pocket and began to examine it. she could care less that Pan just touched her, she was truly just intrigued by the scale. Pan left as she studied it. once she was done, she put it into the top drawer and went to go find Lissa. when she left her hut, she saw Pan playing his pipe and the boys dancing, and Lissa waiting off to the side. although Pan was playing, Steph didn't hear anything. why didn't she hear anything? it wasn't Lissa's love otherwise she would have never heard it. it definitely was not Devin, for he feared her. and Pan despised her.. she was truly lost in this event. although she was baffled, she grabbed Lissa's hands and copied the lost boys, just because she couldn't hear the music, doesn't mean she can't dance. the night is filled with laughter and dancing and food. and by the end of the night, everybody is absolutely drained. Lissa goes to her hut to change and the boys go to their huts to sleep. Steph was left sitting by the fire, poking it with a stick. Pan had taken a seat next to her and watched her as her eyes fixated on the fire. his heart was beating so loudly he could hear it in his head. he needed to tell her how he felt, he couldn't lose her forever, and he knew he would. he was already losing her. he longed for her. right as Pan opened his mouth to speak his mind and tell Steph that he liked her and wanted her forever, she spoke.

"I don't understand why you hate me so much. the only thing I've done to you is tell you the truth. I honestly think you're just mad because not one of your lost boys has the nerve to do that. whatever. night Pan."

and with that she was gone, she went into her hut to remanence old times with her baby sister. she had left Pan alone with his thoughts. with his demons eating him alive.


OOOOHHHHH SHIT. OMG GUYS??? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 800 READS WOW I JUST. I LOVE YOU GUYS OKAY. I'm so sorry about my lack of writing. I'm homeschooled and I started back up a couple weeks ago and I'm drowning in homework. but I did push my homework away to write this because I love you guys. <3 don't forget to vote! and feel free to message me! you can always kik me too! it's @/iluvtolol
much love guys


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