wonderland ◎ Part 23

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"Laugh; and the world laughs with you"

says yet another voice I don't recognize. I turn my back to steph and I'm greeted by what look like twins. They both wear the same caps and a school boy uniform.

"Weep; and you weep alone. for the sad old earth must borrow it's mirth,"

Says the one on the right.

"But has trouble enough of its own"

Says the one on the left.

Together they say,

"sing, and the hills will answer. Sigh, it is lost on the air"

"That sounds a bit dark coming from two little boys in Wonderland."

Steph addresses from behind me.

They both look past me at her and break out into joyful smiles and start hopping around all over the place. They look like a pair of crazy people. They smile once more in our direction then turn around and hop further away from us.

"Wait! Where are you going? Come back and help us. Please...Please come back"

my voice lets me down, I go from shouting to whispering.

"We should just follow them don't you think?"

Steph says walking past me.

I don't know what to think anymore. My mind is swimming. This isn't where I was supposed to end up. I'm not crazy. I'm lost.

"Honestly Eliza, are you even listening to me?"

Steph twirls around to face me,

"sorry, what'd you say?"

"I think we should follow them to wherever they went. It's our best shot. I was also saying you should hurry and keep up otherwise something might happen to you"

I nod because she's completely right. She keeps talking about her thoughts and theories about Wonderland and it helps to clear my mind. Steph seems like I would have been friends with her back "home." The only problem being I didn't know where home was.

A thick smoke slides around us and I began to think my mind is playing games with me.. Above me, a figure is sitting on what seems to be a mushroom.. a large blue caterpillar with black eyes peers down at me.

"I take your gloom, I curl it up and puff it into plumes"

it's voice is so calm it gives me chills as smoke travels out of its mouth.

"Wanna sip this smooth air? Mind my wicked words and tipsy topsy slurs"

He speaks, ever so slowly, and emphasizes on the words smooth, wicked and topsy. He continues to speak right into my ear, but I can't understand. It feels like soft smoke kisses. The ones your mom gives you when she thinks your asleep and doesn't want to wake you.

I'm not asleep. I feel wide awake but I fall to my back and wait for the smoke to carry me someplace I've yet to find. The smoke forms a face above me. I think it's me. I'm sobbing but no sounds are coming out. It feels like I'm drowning and I think I try to scream but I just cry instead. Whispers are everywhere. The same whispers in the background remind me what the Cheshire Cat told us, everyone in wonderland is mad. The face is right above me staring at me when I lose all feeling and my eye lids start to droop. The last thing I see is me, but I'm not me.

*steph's pov*

the blue caterpillar hovers over me. or what seems to be me. I'm standing off to the side watching all of this go down. I'm not sure where to look. for I can see his facial expressions as he blows smoke in my face cause me to become dizzy. but I can see the way the blue caterpillar is moving backwards from my body that lays amongst the dewdrops. for an unresponsive Eliza lay next to me. her eyes wide open and her pupils the size of dimes.


she opens her mouth and nothing comes out. I panic.

"Eliza!!! Eliza!!"

I concentrate on my body, and scream as loud as possible,

"Wake up!!"

tunnel vision back into my body. my eyes abruptly open but only to see vibrant colors everywhere. the Cheshire Cat's head appears before me and giggles as he speaks,

"We're all mad here."

everything seems to be moving in slow motion, I lift my hand to look at it and it moves ever so slowly. that damn weird blue caterpillar did something to Eliza and I. I stand slowly, making sure I'm not to fall, and begin to shake Eliza, hoping to take her out of the trance she is in. but as she sits up rubbing her forehead, I hear Peter's voice echo loudly from all around me.

"you think that kiss actually meant something?"

the ringing of those words send my head in a spin and I place my hands over my ears and scream to block out the words.

"you're alone! you're lost! you're unloved! you're nothing! you're nobody!"

I feel blood trickle from my ears and Eliza start to scream at me. I pull myself to my feet and run. I run as hard and as fast as possible and run into something. not something. but someone. the white queen.


much love and stay not a grown up


lost in neverland // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now