and release ◎ Part 9

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the birds are loud and obnoxious. and the neverland heat has returned back to the island. I open one of my eyes and see Devin still laying with me. he looked so peaceful and innocent, like he wasn't a lost boy who was trained to kill and who was under the command of satan. it was still fairly early in the morning. and because now I have somebody who I need to make sure Pan doesn't harm other than Lissa, I need to be on his good side. I slip on my army boots, tank top and shorts and tie Devin's jacket around my waist. I put my hunting knife into its holder on my belt and throw my hair up. I open and shut the dammed door as silently as I can. I thought it was at least around maybe 7 in the morning. but it seems much earlier, around 5 maybe. not even Pan is awake. I head over to the training area and look for a weapon to use to hunt. the first thing to catch my eye is a bow. I grab a quiver and throw it over my shoulder and put 5 arrows inside. I grab an extra arrow to practice with some. I try a few times and hit the target, but not in the center like I want. I retrieve my arrow and line it up.

"it's to low, you'll miss."

I turn around and release the arrow on accident and right before it strikes the chest, he catches it. Pan will never fail to surprise me. he twirls the arrow in his fingers before handing it back to me.

"what're you doing up so early steph"

I furrow my eyebrows together.

"Pan, you just called me steph..? since when do you do that?"

Pan rolls his eyes at me.


he drops the small smirk he had on his face as soon as I say that. I smile at him and go back to lining up my arrow. right before my release, Pan's hands are over mine and he's guiding my hands.

"take a deep breath in,"

I do as he says and breath in

"and release."

I release the arrow, it's zips through the air and hits the target dead on. I squeal with excitement and smile. I turn to look at Peter..I mean Pan. and he's smiling. I love when Pan smiles because it reminds me that deep down, he's still a boy. I nod and retrieve my arrow and head off into the woods. he may be a boy deep down, but being around him to much causes my irritability to sky rocket. I continue to hunt throughout the day. and to my own surprise, I'm pretty damn good at it! I caught a large buck and a few rabbits here and there. I hid the buck as well as I could so I could go back and get Dev to help me out with it. I proudly walk back to get Dev, when I see something that kills me inside. Dev pushes Alissa against a tree, she's trying to push him off but he's much stronger. he starts to kiss her neck forcefully and she brings her knee up to his groin and stomps away. I close my eyes and untie his jacket from around my waist. I drop it in front of me and go to bring the buck back myself. I should've known he only thought of me as a friend, because, who would think otherwise? I take all my anger and put it towards showing him up. showing everybody up. Lissa is the only one I could trust. I hoist the large buck onto my shoulders as much as I can and begin to drag it back to camp. when I arrive I'm covered in blood and still furious. I drop the buck in front of the boys. and they all stop what they're doing and look at me with awe. I take my hunting knife out and cut off his antlers for my own personal usage. I start to walk over to my hut and I see Devin. he look at me and smiles and begins to walk over.

"Stephy! I'm so proud of you for catching that buck!"

he leans in for a hug and I just put my hand out. I feel warm tears start to flow down my face. I don't want to see Devin, not now. not ever. before he has the chance to say anything I take the antlers and go into my hut. without a single thought of leaving. I wash the blood off of my arms and face. looking in the mirror I notice I've gained some weight back, but a healthy amount. I also notice my face has become much clearer. I look healthy. I use my hunting knife and break off a part of the antler and begin to make it into the shape of a knife. it looks similar to my hunting knife, but this is much sharper. and could do so much more damage. I look out my hut to see the boys skinning the buck and grab a nearby rock to smooth out the knife. sadly, I can't shut my door in time. Pan sticks his foot in before it closes and he lets himself in. he smiles at my craftsmanship.

"I like it. smoothing it out now, yes?"

I nod and continue to do so.


I shake my head no and refuse to look at him. surely enough Pan wasn't gonna take my silent treatment today. he grabs me by my neck and pushes me against the wall causing a loud bang.

" can't hurt me Pan."

"oh don't think so love? what about Devin? what would you do if your sweet "Dev" were to get hurt?"

"Pan..p..please. let me do that myself."

he raises his eyebrow at my statement. he let's go of my neck and drops to me to the floor. he vanishes out of my hut and leaves me to my thoughts. I look in the mirror and find his aggressive action has left a slight bruise on my neck in the shape of his hand. I sigh and reach for my bag remembering I brought coverup. I dab it over the bruise and soon enough it goes away. or at least looks gone. yet it still stings at the touch. I look down at the mascara in the bag and apply it lightly to my eyelashes. a little coverup below my eyes and I look so much better. I looked healthy before, but now I look..pretty. I smooth out the rest of the knife and I hear Pan's voice call for me. I step out and notice that dinner is done. I grab a plate and sit with Lissa and tell her I saw earlier and that she did the right thing. she sees the hurt in my eyes and hugs me softly. I smile,

"Lissa don't feel bad, you remember back home. I was heartless when it came to boys. I just have to apply that here"

"dude I don't frickin know how you do it I swear man teach me your ways."

we laugh and eat our food and listen to the boys talk to each other. she notices Devin looking at me and whispers in my ear,

"Devin is looking.. should I flip him off?"

"nah, he's a waste of time"

we both laugh at my remark and I look up to Devin to see the hurt in his eyes..good. I finish my food and head to bed. training is tomorrow. time to put my new knife to the test.

last chapter was like Dev and Stephy for lyfe and this chapter I never wanna see him again idk man I'm frustrating I'm sorry but it had to happen
I was starting to fall for one of my own fictional characters and that's just wrong hahah
I'm sorry if you lightweight shipped Dev and Stephy after the last chapter. but tbh I will always secretly ship Deph. well it's not a secret now but yanno. ANYWAYS. I love you guys! thank you for reading!! and keep voting! <3 much love


lost in neverland // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now