little girl ◎ Part 3

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" notes on "Pan"

• do not call Peter Pan, Peter. he is only to be called Pan.

• Neverland, once you are there, there's no leaving without Pan's permission.

• the flute, or others say "pipe" hearing it means you feel lonely, unloved, or lost. or all.

• don't break Pan's rules. breaking pans rules are unwise.

• stay away from the echo caves. they make you reveal your darkest secrets.

• never trust a mermaid.

• don't antagonize the lost boys.

• all magic comes with a price.

• Pan knows every inch of the island, he will find you.

• Pan is not afraid to punish you.

• there are no kings, just pan.

• stay away from dreamshade.

• to summon the shadow, all you must say is " I believe. " and mean it.

• cheaters never win.

• Peter Pan never fails. "

" lissa, if you're reading this, I've gone " missing " tonight I'm following the vexing flute I've been hearing ever since our smoke sesh at two in the morning. do not tell a soul where I am. I believe l will be in Neverland. with "Pan." and the "lost boys." and the "shadow." I have come here to live, if "Pan" will allow it. for I have no purpose here anymore. Pan is supposedly unfair, but at least I won't feel obliged to grow up there. I love you. and that's why you could not hear the pipe, I am alone and lost. and that's why I could hear it. stay safe.

- steph. "

I sneak out my backdoor with my backpack strapped to me tightly. in it I have two pairs of shorts, and three t-shirts, a hunting knife, my little pocket knife with its holder, a belt, hair ties, a brush, soap, and being the teenage girl I am, coverup and mascara. I'm bringing very little with me to summon the shadow. I lied in my note to lissa when I said I would follow the flute. I would much rather summon the shadow of Pan than meet Pan first off. I stand in the middle of my yard and quietly whisper; I believe.

moments go by and nothing happens. figures, I was so hopeful of getting away I let my childish brain take over. I begin to tread back to my door. I feel a slight tug on my backpack and before I can react, I feel my feet lift off the ground. I have a sudden moment of panic until I realize it's the shadow, I feel my body relax as we get higher and higher. the town I once knew, the people I once had loved. my home. gone. never to be seen again. I feel a tear roll down my face until the second star to the right becomes brighter than the sun in summer and suddenly...nothing.


I wake up on what feels like sand. I'm absolutely petrified to open my eyes so I take a deep breath in. I smell the ocean, I smell pine. I smell dirt and sweat. I open my eyes to see boys standing around me. I rapidly shoot up and grab my knife and am ready to strike at any moment. a boy, around six foot steps closer. he has some sort of cloak type thing on. he has a scar on the right side of his face that leads from above his eyebrow to near the edge of his lip in a way.

"well lookie here boys!!! seems the shadow has brought a little girl."

he smirks at me causing my blood to boil.

"you mustn't be so stupid boy. I am evidently not a little girl. watch yourself."

"oh, but you are a little girl. and you must be unloved and lost if you've shown up on Pan's island."

he steps closer to me, I could stab him. I could. he is at least 7 inches taller than I. but I could stab him and run. but I chose to be here. I will stand up for myself, this is one of the many things I could revise about myself, nobody here knows who I really am. the sweet innocent angel who my "family" once knew was no more, for I was going to be the sick and twisted person I longed to be.

"that must be déjà vu for you then little boy. because news flash, you're here too."

I slightly raise my eyebrow and smirk knowing I just outwitted him.

"she's got fire. boys, take her to Pan."

the boy begins to walk away and I'm thrown over another boys shoulder, instinctively I cut the boys arm with my knife that they so stupidly hadn't taken from me. I run fast and I run hard, dodging tress, branches and fallen logs. not even a day here and I had already broken one of the not antagonize the lost boys.

I look over my shoulder to see if anybody is on my tail and I run into something. I stumble back and fall on my butt. looking up I see a boy. as he turns around, he smirks at me. I look into his eyes and I realize, for I, have just run into the notorious demon they call Pan. looking into his eyes for only a faint word escapes my mouth,



I wrote this at like 11 o'clock at night after one of the shittiest days of my life so yay for inspiration :D I told you guys this chapter would be longer!!!! and technically Pan is in this, even if I only run into him. *evil smirk* I'll probably write more tonight but I figured I would post this much for you guys. much love.


lost in neverland // Robbie KayWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt