actually meant something ◎ part 14

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Lissa and Steph woke up at peculiar hours of the morning. Lissa wanted to practice shooting with a bow today and Steph said she would gladly help as long as Lissa would show her where she could bathe in peace. they spent and hour before they found the water hole, and then sun hit the horizon. after realizing how close to camp it was, Lissa ran back to her hut and grabbed a towel for Steph to use. and in an instant Lissa and Steph were racing to the training area for Lissa to practice. Felix awoke shortly after the lost girls and studied the way Lissa moved while she trained. he was smitten. he was hidden by the brown and green lush leaves that filled the outskirts of the training area.

"your shot is..outstanding. would you join me for hunting this morning?"

Steph looked over to Lissa to see a faint red rush to her cheeks as a small smile spread across her face as she nodded. Steph winked at her best friend and headed back to camp to hopefully get a few more hours of sleep. Lissa secretly just really wanted to hunt, but doing it with Felix made it all the better. walking through the woods in hope of something large to kill for the boys, they come across Cubs. bear cubs. Felix gets a little to close, and almost instantly, Lissa catches the momma bear running towards Felix out of the corner of her eye. pure panic runs through her body. she grabs an arrow, aims and releases, and aims and releases once more, striking the bear to the ground before it was to reach her lost boy. Felix looks at Lissa with nothing but love in his eyes, but still a worried look on his face. he sprung to his feet and hugged her. although she was absolutely petrified still, she hugged him back, not taking her eyes off of what she had killed. it took both Lissa and Felix to drag the enormous beast back to camp for the boys, but when done so, Pan didn't seem happy with it. when Lissa admitted to shooting it, mainly for the protection of Felix, Pan scoffed. Felix walked away aggravated with his friend and left them alone.

"petty petty lost girl, developing feelings for a lost boy who probably doesn't even know he meaning of the word love."

"really Pan? you're gonna sit here and attack me for that? at least Felix isn't a coward."

Pan furrowed his eyebrows together at her remark and vanished into thin air. only to reappear in front of Steph who thankfully was wrapping the towel around her freshly washed body. Pan spoke in a dark tone,

"did you speak of me? to anybody? "

"jeez Pan really? can't I be rid of you once? I just bathed for crying out loud give a girl some privacy."

Pan wasn't in the mood for this. he was done with being called a coward. before even he realized it he had shoved his lost girl onto the rock behind her. gripping her towel tightly she looked at him innocently, not giving him power over her emotions.

"why is Alissa calling me a coward?"

"maybe because you are one?"

his grip against her tightened.

"what. have. you. said."

"the echo caves you idiot,"

before she could realize what she had said, Pan had a smirk across his face as he released his grip on her and leaned closer,

"what? you think that kiss actually meant something?"

"I..I.. WAIT."

realizing she had only said echo caves, and mentioned nothing of the kiss, she began to scream,


with one slight hand movement from her tantrum, Pan in thrown into a tree. Pan's eyes got big. he didn't know she had powers. hell, she didn't even know she had powers. being on a magical island and all must make her fury, magical..?

" little lost girl has powers. how cute."

much calmer now after seeing Pan being thrown into a tree because of her supposedly, she argued,

"I'm not yours. you're nothing but a narcissistic asshole who fucks everybody over. I hate you."

Pan narrowed his eyes at her as she spoke to him.

"I'm leaving neverland tomorrow, like it or not."

Steph stormed away. she didn't want to truly leave neverland. she wanted Pan to stop her. but not in his rude Pan ways. in a sweet way, almost in a intimate way. entering her hut and beginning to change, she jumps as she pulls her shorts up.

"you're not to leave neverland without my permission."

she covered herself quickly afraid Pan would see and turned around slightly to see him. he stood in front of her, and rather close at that. a smirk rest upon his lips that whispered kiss me and yet his eyes over powered the whisper with a scream of the word leave.

"oh my.. seems princess is body shy. what a shame..would be quite a sight if you ask me."

he rest his forehead on hers, her blood rushed through her veins as he complimented her. she couldn't fathom a thought, but she knew she wouldn't let the compliment overpower the truth of it all.

"Pan.. I know you've been putting the kiss in my dreams. why? what's your fucking deal? to break me? don't you fucking understand? I'm already broken."

she turned from the lost boy and threw on her undergarment and shirt as quickly as possible. and turned back around to face him.

"you've seen my wrists. I'm already broken. I'm not going to romanticize cutting and burning. I am nothing. you said it yourself. now get the fuck out of my hut before I kill you myself."

he raised an eyebrow at his lost girl and cocked his head to the side, before vanishing before her eyes. what he said made her angry. a whole new type of angry. she knew, she had no feelings for Pan after this. he's was truly nothing but a monster. Pan on the other hand, was only intrigued by the broken girl. he wanted to be the one to fix her, but he wouldn't ever admit to wanting to do so to anybody. but for the first time in hundreds of years, Pan was afraid. Peter Pan, the devil himself, was afraid of losing his little lost girl. but then again, Peter Pan never fails.
OKAY SO FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU TO YOU GUYS FOR 500 READS. ALSO. thank you to book-worm-23 for being amazing and helping me with the ideas of this and thank you to xdreamshade for being so amazing and helping me figure a couple of the things I couldn't even think about for five minutes without wanting to throw a tantrum ayy. you guys are so beautiful and perfect wow ilysm. I apologize though, for some reason I feel like this chapter wasn't the best even though I had 2/3 of my favorite writers help me with it. I'm just not in my nature atmosphere anymore I guess so the juices ain't flowin like they should be :b ANYWAYS much love.


lost in neverland // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now