trouble only seen in green eyes ◎ Part 2

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" the pied piper...? "

isn't that the nerd who like summons rats and shit? he was the only unseen flute player type person I thought of. nursery rhymes, and legends throughout the centuries, anything I really could get my hands on is what I would study throughout the day. finally I come across a new personal favorite of mine. the legend of Pan. he's not like the disney version, oh no. no green tights or silly hat with a red feather. but instead it had been said that he had a dark green hand sewn shirt that looks like it comes from the time of kings and queens, pants a lighter shade of forest green and boots that come up right below the knees. and no red hair, but instead shaggy brown. and by far my favorite feature, piercing green eyes that when looked into, they only scream trouble. the story of Pan was most intriguing because of how much disney had screwed it up and made him an angel, sure he looked like one, but he was a bloody demon inside of a boys body. the legend said that only the unloved and lonely could hear Pan's flute, that must be what I've been hearing! night falls slowly and remaining intrigued by the stories I had read about him in the day, I sneak outside. mom had gotten mad at me for being outside so late the night before. but that wasn't gonna stop me, I had spent all day making notes in my phone about Pan, it has to be him.. I'll leave my phone under my pillow in my room for lissa to find so she knows I'm safe. I'll finally be safe.


IM SO SORRY ITS SO SHORT GUYS.I seriously needed a filler, I promise that the next chapter will have Pan in it. I couldn't just rush into Neverland though in like second chapter omg. heh. will update as soon as possible. much love.


lost in neverland // Robbie KayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ