you're no fun ◎ Part 21

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** this chapter is dedicated to TheBaeMagnet and jsky329 thanks for your kind words and stay beautiful **

Pan face-palmed as the small fire from my finger burned out. I snickered at his frustration with me to do such a simple task. but he couldn't get mad. cause he knew I would pout and that's his weakness. I think Pan still questions if I actually love him. or even like him. but to be fair, we're trying to take things slow. I stay in my hut some nights, and a spare bedroom in his others. all depending on the weather in Neverland.

" no c'mon, you're doing it all wrong."

"Peter can't we take a break? my hand hurts."

"no listen we need to at least get this down."

I roll my eyes at Pan and cross my feet and sit down with my arms crossed.

"I'm taking a break, if you wanna stand there looking yummy though be my guest."

he chuckles softly and sits on a nearby rock,

"'d you handle the Alec situation?"

"not important"

"very important Peter. what if he comes back when you're not there?"

"he can't,"

"Peter just tell me, I'm not gonna go looking for him I swear. just tell me? it'll ease my nerves."

Pan sat up and shrugged his shoulders slightly at my worried response.

"the mermaids and I have a something worked out-"

"oh god Peter you didn't kill him right!"

"-no, shut the bloody hell up and let me finish."

a small smirk appeared across his face as I scrunched up my nose at his remark.

"he's in a.. bubble type thing. underwater. each day a mermaid pushes through food and water so he doesn't die. but it's very deep and very dangerous to even go. so don't even think about it."

"you're no fun Peter"

"I may be no fun but I know to keep my lost girl safe,"

he stands up, grabs my hand to help me up, and kisses my nose. 

"and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. now, fire."

I roll my eyes and do the weird ass hand movement he taught me for like the billionth time. without even glancing over I feel a warm tingling in my hand. I glance down at my hand to see small fire in the palm of my hand, and I can't feel the actual burn.

"yes! finally!!! no more training!"

I close my hand eliminating the fire in my hand and begin to walk away joyfully when Peter pushes me against a tree.

"Peter im done today cmon let me go sleep or something,"

"only if you do it in my bed."

"wait what? why?"

"I miss having your body in my bed next to me while I sleep. I like knowing you're safe."

"but Peterrrrrrr,"

he tilts his head down lightly and raises an eyebrow,


he laughs at my sudden frustration with his face being fuckin wow ok and cups my face in his hands and kisses me once softly. that's right, softly. his kisses are getting softer and they seem to have more feeling in them. as if I'm finally getting to him and changing him for the better. he pulls away slowly and smirks at me leaving my mind absolutely blank. the stuff he does to me man. no matter how much he can make me feel wanted sometimes, there's always that inner demon that haunts me. it's getting stronger and telling me things I don't wanna hear. well obviously it would. but it's trying to convince me that Alec is looking for me, Dev never found my parents, my parents hated me for leaving, and that Peter doesn't want me. he just wants to use me. that last one I believe more than others. something about this didn't add up. Pan having positive feelings for me. Pan having feelings for me. Pan having feelings. it just didn't add up. I mean... sure I have feelings for Pan. but it's so hard for me. with everything I've been through. the abusive relationships. the abuse. the cheating. it's all so tedious to think about. my body tingles slightly. there's somebody new on the island. Pan taught me to be one with the island so I can feel now when somebody has left or has arrived. the footsteps are light, not heavy at all. it can''s not a boy. it's a girl. there's a new girl in neverland. my kingdom. wait what? did I really just say my kingdom? Pan has rubbed off on me more than I'd hoped. but this shit will not fly with me. I channel my sudden frustration into teleportation. I appear right in front of the girl. a devilish smirk appears on my face as she stumbles back and my sudden reappearance.

"who are you? where am I? why am I here?"

alright I need to be sweet. pull the shit you did back home. I'll catch more flies with honey than I will with vinegar.

"whoa whoa whoa, calm down princess. I'm Steph. you're in neverland. I'm not sure why you're here, but I'll help you figure that out. don't be scared."

I give a reassuring smile and offer her my hand. time for Pan to do some explaining on why he brought her to the island.

"by the way... what's your name?"

"oh I'm-"

and suddenly we're falling and screaming at the top of our lungs as we plunge into darkness.


contest-ish time!!!!!!!! new character! but I want her to be named after you!! so! dm me why you love / like this story (if you even love it) and I'll choose from there <3 I'm sorry I haven't updated. I've been sick, and I got my heart broken recently. so bare with me it this chapter is complete and utter shit.
much love


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