dreamshade ◎ part 16

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it's bright when I finally wake up. also fairly humid. kinda like hell. not gonna lie. I stretch and throw on a tank top and slide into my shorts and slip my mermaid scale into my pocket. I honestly am to the point of breaking again and I have absolutely zero regrets about it. by the time I decide to walk out of my hut, Lissa and Felix are getting themselves and the boys ready for a hunting trip. I'm offered a spot to join but Devin shoots me a glare so I kindly decline all because Lissa and I both know if you give me a weapon and put me near Devin, poor kid won't come back to camp. I putter around camp. I fix the firewood in the fire pit. I clean up the area. wash dishes. and most importantly, try to figure how the hell my magic works. I practice on a couple leaves I picked from a tree and try lighting them on fire. much easier said than done. I had to channel all of my anger and focus on the leaf before it even slightly started to smoke. finally the leaves begin to smoke and burst into flames. before I can comprehend what had happened they've burned out. the ashes of them rest in my hands. I throw the ashes on the ground and begin to dance around because oh my god I lit them on fire with my mind! I close my eyes and twirl like the child I am and spin into somebody. shit. the lost boys are back and they're gonna laugh at me. I open one eye to only see Pan. why does it ALWAYS have to be Pan? I open my other eye to see him conjure a rose in his right hand. he gestures it forward to me. accidentally saying out loud,

"what the fuck Pan?"

I can see his grip on the Rose tighten. without comprehending my feelings I begin to focus on the Rose and within a second the Rose is ablaze and Pan drops it only to let it burn out.

"can't you see it? can't you see what you do to me? and you call ME the narcissistic asshole?! you purposely fuck with my emotions! I shouldn't even have emotions!! but you fucking do this to me!! this is the only fucking thing I don't understand! it doesn't make sense!!! the only damn thing that makes sense anymore is..is how bad I want you!!"

I know Pan, this is just a game to him. who can break the little lost girl first.

"I'm not gonna let you sit here and just try to get under my skin. you really think I'm that stupid Pan?"

he snaps at me again,

"what's your problem? do you seriously think I'm just out to get you?!"

"yes! that's exactly what I think!"

"you know what Stephanie Nichole, you're the one who hates me...and I.. GET OFF MY ISLAND."



I can't believe my ears. or believe my eyes. Pan's eyes are welling up with tears. I was the one to break Peter Pan. the devil himself. I broke him down to nothing but a boy with feelings and not a black abyss where his heart should be. I pushed him to far this time... and I realized right then how bad I hurt Pan. but he hurt me to many times.


without another word I began to walk towards the bathing hole, because last trip down there I had seen an entire area of nothing but dreamshade. if Pan wanted me gone, then gone I was gonna be. I pull my knife from my shoe and carefully grab a dreamshade branch and cut it off. at the very top of the branch is several thorns dripping with the thick gooey poison. I twirl it in my hands before I trace my arm with the thorns. it stings and I can feel it rush into my veins as blood drips from my arm. it won't take long for it to work. maybe a day or so. until then I have to stay hidden. I venture down, off the path and a rock structure. it kinda reminds me of the rock from the Disney movie the lion king, it's a rock goes out about 4 feet, and about 5 feet from the ground to the rock. enough so me to sit under of course. and I can stay out of the sun. as I sit closest to the wall and ponder my last thoughts, I hear the hoots and howls of the lost boys in the distance hunting. when out of the brush, walks out a person. the last person I want to see right now, the one who started this all. Devin.


AND SORRY IT'S SO SHORT I WANTED TO MAKE YOU GUYS WAIT TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS YOU GUYS ARE GONNA IDK THROW YOUR PHONE OR COMPUTER OR WHATER. I'm a horrible person and this chapter was so slow and dramatic like something bad happens in every chapter I swear and it's always to Steph like she dies all the time lmao
but is Devin gonna find out about the dreamshade???? is he gonna torture her in her last few hours???? STAY TUNED MY BABIES.

much love.

lost in neverland // Robbie Kayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن