adventure ◎ Part 27

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*Eliza's pov*

I'm not sure why I'm feeling this way. right now the oxygen in my lungs is barely there. I can't tell if this is real or I'm on something so good I can't tell anything apart. nonetheless it's something I never want to escape. The sky is a variety of purples and I can't stop staring. With both arms extended out from my sides I spin round and round. For a bit it looks like it's changing to a blue or black. I keep spinning and waiting for it to change back to purple. To come back to me. Before I know it I'm crouched over with one knee on the ground. One hand clutching my heart, the other scrunching the leaves underneath me. I lift my head to see the sky and it still hasn't changed back.

My step brother could never have hurt anyone. Let alone try and kill someone. But seeing as Steph has been the only person I can remotely trust on the island in prepared to do anything to find him. After all that is the precise reason I went through wonderland. All for him. He's all I have left and I'll go to the ends of the world to find him.


I slowly raise my head and I see Alec walking backwards away from me. His face is pale and he looks scared out of his mind. Why is he running away from me. Am I the one he's scared of? Does he not want me to find him? The air feels cold and still. The only movement is me stalking towards Alec and him retracting from me. He keeps yelling my name repeatedly. Every time he opens his mouth my name flys out as if it'll be his last breath. My breathing is heavy from crawling after him.

"A..Alec..slow down please I can't move fast enough!!"

but he's gone. he's nowhere in sight.

*Steph's pov*

I wake up in Pan's bed. of course. he always has to play the hero with me. I get up and stumble slightly, but only to hear a dark chuckle from the darkened corner.


I roll my eyes and plop down on the floor being the sarcastic asshole I always have been.

"do you recall what happened?"

"nothing of the sort. why don't you tell me, lover boy?"

"you went on what you called an "adventure" with Eliza. you saw some glowing mushrooms and ate them like the idiotic child you are."

and this is where I step in,

"what's your deal with calling me child??"

Pan had a black outline around every detail when he stepped from the corner. this must be the mushrooms. some of what happened hit me; it's extremely hard to keep track of neverland time. but I told Pan to tell me when it hit December in the mortal world to tell me. since then I had been counting. until it hit 22. my birthday. that explains why Eliza and I ate glowing mushrooms. live a little right? I stand up and push past Pan.

"I really don't wanna train. and I really don't wanna be around you,"

"it's not safe out there right now for you Stephanie"

"I don't care! I'm not staying in here with you for a minute more"

and with that I step out and slowly descend, trying to keep my balance. I blink repeatedly, trying to adjust my eyes to the dark gloomy weather upon the horizon of the neverland skyline. every time Pan gets on my nerves, the weather gets colder. the sky looks darker. and the stars fade. they don't sparkle like when I'm happy. he didn't even realize it was my birthday. I can't believe that he didn't catch on. I stumble towards mermaid lagoon to put my toes in the water. and I come upon Eliza crying.

"I just want my brother back,"

she whimpers to herself.

"you shouldn't be so close to mermaid lagoon, they're horrible creatures. but I promise we'll find Alec."

lost in neverland // Robbie Kayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें