patronizing ◎ part 17

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he spots me and walks over with his sword in hand.

"what're you doing out here."

"you know, I could ask you the same question Stephanie"

"aw, I'm not Stephy anymore?"

I speak in a sarcastic tone with him. I still don't forgive him for what he did. he took a step closer and I pull my knife from my boot, leaving the cuts to be seen. his eyes widen and he rushes to my side and grabs my arm.

"did this.."

I remain emotionless. he sits across from me and tears form in his eyes.

"why the fuck are you tearing up?"

"you don't get it do you.. I liked you so much.. and then all of a sudden you just.. you wanted me dead!"

"shut up Devin you're such a liar. I saw you kiss Lissa's neck."

"what?! when?!"

"the day before I gave you that scar.."

"Stephy you don't understand, Pan sent me out that day. right as you came back with that buck is when I got back as well. I never touched Lissa. I only wanted you.."

oh my god, I hurt Devin. oh my god who was that then?! wait... Pan. Pan's shadow is a shapeshifter. this changed everything but I can't move.

"'s dreamshade."

"Stephy we have to get you back to camp!"

"no! Dev..I can't. not after everything. I'm so sorry I hurt you.."

I start to cry and he holds onto me. he kisses my head and rocks me back and forth before whispering to me,

"I'll protect you, ya know. nothing bad will happen to you as long as I'm around."

his exact words. the words that once made me hate him. but I knew who was really out to get me. Pan. I looked up to Devin. I could barely breathe but I knew one thing. I needed to make amends. I put my hand on the back of his neck and pull his face closer to mine and his lips crash into mine. his kiss didn't feel dangerous. it felt loving and soft. I release the kiss slowly and let go of him. the dreamshade took over.

*Pan's pov*

something is wrong. somebody has touched dreamshade. it's cursing through.. I furrow my eyebrows together trying to recollect who.. it's cursing through her veins. wait..Steph. panic and think of her and where she could be, only to appear in front of her lifeless body with Devin crying next to her. I grunt loudly and vanish again, but before a waterfall. I fill a canteen with the sparking liquid before reappearing before Steph. I take a drink, but leave it in my mouth. I lean down slowly and force the water into her mouth. making sure it's swallowed. the black veins on her arm begin to fade and she sits up quickly, hitting her forehead on mine making us both grab our foreheads in pain.

"how.. Devin did you?"

he nods and shoots me a glare. he'll be punished later for even having the nerve. Steph looks at me and I raise an eyebrow,

"I believe a thank you is in order,"

"no! I know what you and your shadow did! you turned me against Devin, all because he had feelings for me!"

she stands up and shoves me back. I just saved her life and this is how she's acting? and so what about Devin? I couldn't help it. I was already in love with her when I did that.

"I didn't want to be saved Pan! and I know you used magic somehow! what did you do?! I know magic comes with a price so spit it out!!"

she was right. all magic comes with a price. the water I forced into her mouth would heal her..but she was to never leave Neverland now. even with my permission, she couldn't. the water only works while on Neverland soil.

"you can never leave Neverland.."

"the hell I can't! just you watch me Pan!"

normally her fire was intriguing, but right now it was just..patronizing.

"bloody hell shut your trap for a second."

I push my hand over her mouth to shut her up and she bites me! what is she 5? without even comprehending my actions I backhand her.

"you cannot leave Neverland or you will die! the water is the only thing that will keep you alive! so get used to it here love, because sooner or later, I'll make you my queen."

I begin to walk away and I hear her speak under her breath,

"for somebody who's so in love with me, you sure are a douchebag."

when I go to look back I see something that's a stab to the gut. she's hugging Devin. my lost girl is hugging somebody other than I. with a swift movement of my hand Devin is thrown into a rock and I grab her by her wrist and vanish. I was tired of her shit. if I can't have her, nobody can. we reappear back into my hut and I lead her down the hall. I open the last door and toss her in,

"you should really think about what you've done my queen. I won't always be so gentle."

I shut the door and lock it leaving her with her with nothing but a bed in the room. I was not to share my girl with anybody. the only person to ever see her but me, would be Lissa. because I know my baby girl would light my damn hut on fire if angry enough.

I honestly had to and I have zero regrets
I felt like this chapter was gonna be amazetastic but then it wasn't and hmph I don't know how to feel about this. Pan is creepy af though guys like he's so possessive don't touch me wtf
anyways! much love to you guys bc you're amazing as hell and beautiful/handsome and stuff <3


lost in neverland // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now