my new favorite person ◎ Part 7

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I'm running. panting. my legs are so sore. I dodge trees and branches left and right. I'm sweating. I can't breathe. I can't stop running. I hear a demonic laugh in the distance and it makes my heart race even faster. I run into something. I look up and see the devil himself. bright green eyes and his signature smirk.

I wake up swearing and sweating. I sit straight up trying to catch my breath. I look around to see where I am and nothing, not a single thing is familiar to me. I'm in a bed, with a fluffy comforter, a wool blanket, and two large pillows behind me. next to me is a pine wood nightstand with several candles, melted into the wood, but the one in the middle looks to have been lit recently. there's 10 candles including the one still burning. in the corner of the room sits a small oak chair, and across from this bed is a dresser, made from redwood and on top of the dresser, what seems to be a bag. I look down at my body and see cuts all over my arms. all but 6 are healed. 6 lines cross my wrist. I run my fingers over my wrist trying to remember. and it hits me. I did this. I step out of bed, and walk over to the bag and rummage through it. I find a few things inside, but most importantly to me at the moment, a knife. still unsure of where the hell I am, I step out of the door. I see a long hallway with several doors, and only one has a light lit behind it. I take a deep breath, walk up to it and knock.


a loud booming voice says from behind the door. I recognize the voice. the same demon who laughed. I fall back and run into the room I was in moment ago. I climb into the bed and throw the blankets over me. I hear the door slightly creak open. I dare not move.


is that my name? I remove the blankets from my head and look at the teenage boy standing in my doorway.

"w..who are you? who am I? where am I?"

my voice is quiet, for I can hardly speak. but I begin to breath faster in a state of panic. the teenage boy stands at the foot of my bed,

"I'm Peter Pan. you're Stephanie. you're in my hut, and you're in neverland."

I fear for my life for this is the demon that haunted my dreams. I scoot back onto the bed trying to be farther away from the boy. he steps closer and goes to grab my wrist but I panic and pull to knife out, he slowly backs away. he walks out without another word. minutes go by and he returns, but with a girl. she rushes to me and hugs me tightly, and for some reason I hug back. there's a familiarity to her that makes me feel safe.

"introduce yourself."

"does she not remember me?"

she lets go of me and looks at the boy as he shakes his head no.

"Steph, it's me. Alissa. Lissa. skittles."

the last one hits me upside the head. this is my best friend. I am Stephanie. I am in neverland. the demon who haunts my dreams is Pan. I hug her again and whisper,

"I remember."

a smile wipes across both of our faces.

lost in neverland // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now