bad form ◎ Part 5

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"weeeee-wooooooo! weeeeeeeeee-woooooooo we-wo-we-wo-we-woooooo!!!!"

Lissa and I bust out into a fit of giggles. Pan wont be happy with how we've decided to wake the lost boys. he cant hurt me. well technically he can, but he cant harm me anymore than I have done to myself in the past.

"weeeee-wooooooo! weeeeeeeeee-woooooooo we-wo-we-wo-we-


we scream again rocking our cages that hang in the trees.


Pan's body appears below our cages. he snaps and our cages are on the ground and he stares into my eyes. his eyes aren't the hypnotizing emerald they were when I ran into the lost boy. now its if I am looking into a black abyss. hoping to find an ounce of light, but failing miserably. with a flash I'm no longer in the cage but against a tree with a dagger to my throat. "one reason I shouldn't kill you here and now." he seethes. I raise my eyebrow and smirk. I look down to his feet, and back up.


he digs his knife into my throat causing a slight sting and a few drops of blood to surface. I kick my foot out and manage to get behind him. I grab the arm that was moments ago holding a knife to my neck, twist it behind his back and shove my knee to the back of his, causing his knees to buckle. I take the knife and shove it under his chin and realize its my knife.

"using my knife against me Pan? truly bad form."

he disappears from my grip and appears in front of me. Felix, and several other lost boys groggily began walking towards us. one of the younger boys was rubbing his eyes as he softly spoke

"Pan is training starting early?"

I smile at Pan knowing Lissa and I have won this round. I turn my back to let Lissa out of her cage and Pan grabs my arm, I can feel his fingernails digging into my skin and blood surface. whats with him and making me bleed? I dont give into it, not making even the slightest face of discomfort.

"this is not over."

he lets go of my arm and I continue to go let Lissa out of the cage. she smiles at me and high fives me once she's out. she walks over to Felix and I walk over to get my bag. I hear Lissa say under her breath to the lost boy,

"Felix, I believe Pan has just met his match. Steph. "

I smile at her remark.

"we'll see about that. Peter Pan never fails."

Felix continues walking ahead of Lissa and I. we shortly arrive at the training area, and of course Pan wants to pick on me.

"Steph. in the middle. weapon of choice?"

he leans against a tree and smiles at me.


I smile back. one of the young lost boys, around 9 or 10 walks over and hands me a sword.

"alright Pan, who am I fighting?"

he appears in front of me.

"me of course."

he raises his eyebrow and his smile turns to a devilish smirk.

"Pan I've already kicked your pony loving butt once today. twice in one day will be a bit much for you wont it?"

I say smirking as I hear Lissa in the background going


Pan glares at her and Felix puts his hand over her mouth. Pan lunges at me but I dodge it. I swing at Pan, knowing what way he is to jump to, I swing my sword back, cutting his cheek. every single lost boy murmur to each other as Pan just stands there as his fingers slowly move across his cut. his eyes turn black. I've woken the demon inside him once again. we continue to lunge at each other and miss here and there. after 5 minutes, I have cuts up and down my arms and across my cheek. but so does Pan. Pan finally has the upper advantage and I'm on my back on the ground.

"game over lost girl."

Pan makes a small slice on my neck and turns around to bow to his lost boys. I have enough strength in me to win this once and for all. I jolt up, kick his ass, literally. causing him to fall, he rolls onto his back only to see me with sword in hand. I place the tip of the sword to his chin.

"game over lost boy."

I copy the cut he made on my neck, onto his.

"look Pan, twinsies."

I smile at him. Pan jerks up.

"back to camp. NOW."

he shouts looking around. I start to turn my back to head with the lost boys and he grabs my arm again.

"not. you."

I roll my eyes out of habit.

"what did I say about rolling your eyes?!"

"oh yes I'm sorry Pan. you said they would roll right out of my pretty little head"

I emphasize the word pretty and bat my eyelashes dramatically making his cheeks turn red. not sure if I made him blush or if its pure rage. either way, I feel as if I have the upper hand. Pan pins me against the tree. he leans his forehead on mine. his warm breath hits my neck as he speaks to me,

"where did you learn to fight that way"

I feel the blood inside my face drain. I shove him off me quickly,

"I wasn't exactly liked back home...but none of that matters."

"you're right. it doesn't. to camp. now."

I huff in annoyance and stomp back to where our cages are instead. { TRIGGER WARNING??? IM SORRY. } I sit inside mine, with my backpack in my lap. Its been so long since I had relapsed....dare I? I'm already covered in cuts, nobody will notice. thinking about my old home hurt so bad...why? I'm sure nobody has noticed. maybe mother.. I bring the knife to my wrist and begin to slide it across, making 6 lines. I take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. I hold my wrist to my shirt to stop the blood from flowing. I slowly drift off until I hear Lissa shouting my name. I realize why. I had cut to deep. to much blood loss in a day. my vision is blurry. she's standing over me with tears in her eyes. I never see her cry.

"you can only be strong for so long.."

I whisper to her.


she's crying so hard. I didn't even mean to cut so deep. ***Lissa's pov*** I put my fingers to her neck desperately looking for a pulse. I feel her body go limp and begin to scream louder for Pan. he appears out of nowhere and his face is flushed.. he takes her body from my arms and disappears without a word.


HI???? IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING ON TIME???? okay so first tho I'm sorry I put the triggering thing in there, but considering the characters past, it was bound to happen*self mutilation ( aka cutting burning ect) is her past* but kinda a cliff hanger??? idk i love you guys and thank you for over 100 reads wooooo!


lost in neverland // Robbie KayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang