I will see to that myself ◎ Part 12

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it had been a week since the kiss. neither of them bothered to even look in the direction the opposing person was. they felt strongly about each other but neither could figure what it was. in the night Steph would wake up in a panic, sweating. she had been dreaming of the kiss with Pan. she was appalled. but at the time it was exciting for her. she tasted danger when he kissed her, and she loved it. but she knew she had a hatred for him so strong. meanwhile Pan had seemed absent in everything. never 100% there. he was taking more time to sit under his thinking tree. Felix began to notice and took charge, but he knew. he knew Pan was thinking of her. and he hated it. Pan was his best friend and he was losing him to a damn girl. he knew exactly how to get back at Steph. but at the same time, Steph gave him the opportunity to be around Alissa more. so in a way he should have thanked her really.

"Lissa, hey, will you come with me to pick some berries?"

"shiiiit, I mean I guess."

"Great! I mean.. cool okay."

Felix felt stupid around her. she was much superior than him. and she was so difficult to read. he couldn't tell if she was angry at him half the time or pleased. but Felix was no coward like Pan. Felix knew he had feelings for Lissa. since Pan has been absent, he had been training with her. making her stronger. she was something else when it came to fighting, she was sneaky and fast. Felix adored her but feared rejection. they walked past several berry bushes and Lissa tried to stop but he would grab her hand and take her farther, but she wouldn't have that. she would squeeze her hand out of his seconds after he would grab her hand. she felt awkward holding hands with him. she had never really had a true boy she really liked. but Felix..Felix was different. she thought his smile was a gift from heaven above. he was her little piece of home other than Steph on this god forsaken island. she normally would push him around lightly, in reality just an excuse to touch him. she was very fond of him, but for once in her life. cat had her tongue. she was afraid of him. afraid if she were to say something out of place to Pan's right hand man he could have her killed, and she wasn't about to leave Steph to deal with the boys all on her own. at least a mile from camp Felix decided to finally say it.

"Lissa, I like you. I can't get you out of my head and I just, I can't stop thinking about this-"

he finished his sentence abruptly and kissed her. and even to her surprise, she kissed him back. he was her livewire. she knew now, she truly wanted Felix. they didn't say much on the walk back to camp, and until they arrived, they realized they had forgotten the berries. and Pan was back and not looking to happy.

"who did you leave in charge!!?"

Felix was stunned. Pan never yelled at him.

"Devin. why?"

Pan immediately turned to Devin,

"where is she."

"where's who, Pan?"

"you know who!"

before Devin could speak another word he was thrown into a tree. Devin had done something to Steph. nobody was to touch his lost girl but him.
one of the lost boys chocked out that Devin had her sent away into the echo caves. before Pan could leave, Lissa had joined him,

"she's my best friend. just let me get her. point me in the direction."

he proceeded to do so, and left her to find it. as for Devin, he was to be harshly punished.

"Pan, please, don't. she deserved it! she's a bitch! I didn't do anything to her and now I have this scar!"

"she deserved it because she cut your cheek in training?"

Devin nodded. and Pan smirked and his eyebrow raised slowly.

"I won't punish you Devin,"

Devin let out a sign of relief.

"Stephanie will."

Devin's eyes got huge and began to water. the sting of the memory of when he got the cut came to mind and he truly feared for his life.

"you're not to touch my lost girl again Devin, or I will be the one to punish you. and you will not live through that punishment."

Pan vanished and reappeared behind Devin, startling him and whispering,

"you hurt her. and because of that I guarantee you will never have a happy day again as long as you are in neverland. I will see to that myself."

Pan walked away to walk to the echo caves where Lissa and Steph had already begun to tell deep dark secrets.

"I have a thing for Felix...?"

the floor rumbled and Steph gasped but smiled at her best friend.

"I hate Pan."

the floor moved less that time but moved all the same, still Steph sighed.

"Pan and I kissed."

the floor rumbled loudly and Alissa screamed,


Steph took a deep breath in,

"I haven't stopped thinking about it, and it haunts my dreams."

the floor connected with the path Lissa was standing on and she came to bust her out, but before doing so she smirked,

"was he a good kisser at least?"

"ew, gross Lissa."

Lissa shrugged and let her out, and by the time they were out of the caves Pan was showing up. or so they had thought. he had heard their secrets. but more importantly, her secrets. he had put the kiss in her dreams to taunt her into wanting him so he wouldn't feel so weak for wanting it again. for wanting her. she made him feel weak at the knees, but all she knew is that he hated her, and she hated him too. not as much as when she first arrived but hate is hate. but she knew the truth deep down, past all the hate, she wanted Pan.


OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT?????? I did kinda? third person again idk why I just feel like that gets a little coverage on what's going on I guess idk man. ANYWAYS MY TENT IS COLD SOMEBODY COME CUDDLE. NO? NOBODY? okay no worries I mean I'll freeze don't worry. jk I love you don't forget to vote babes <3


lost in neverland // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now