back to my peter ◎ Part 24

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**first of all omg guys look at that picture I feel so proud ok bc that's me.**

I wake up with my head spinning. my heart begins to race. a small faint voice reaches my ear as my vision clears up.

"my, my... you're lucky you ran into me and not my big headed sister. what that stinky old caterpillar blew in you and your friends face should be wearing off soon sweetheart."

I look up to the figure moving slowly. she has dark brown doe eyes, and her lips are a soft pink. her skin is a pastel white, as is her dress and our surroundings. this is the white queen.

"where am I? what happened? where's Eliza?"

"calm down please... you're in my castle in wonderland. that silly old caterpillar blew acid smoke into your face, you began to what he calls "trip" and then jabber jays began to swarm around you. soon after, your friend became conscious and ran after you."

I look over over to my left to see Eliza laying there with an ice pack on her head where a bruise remains. the white queen takes a rag, runs some water over it, and begins to clean my neck directly below my ears.

"your ears began to bleed when those horrid jabber jays began to scream. my dammed sister uses those birds against anyone who comes to wonderland."

"I'm confused.. how am I here? my incident with dreamshade back on neverland.. wait, I need to get back to neverland.. PETER! I NEED TO GET BACK. PLEASE. THE CAT TOLD ME YOU COULD HELP, I NEED TO GET BACK TO PETER."

"Peter? as in Peter Pan? the evil King of that god forsaken island? why would you ever wanna go back there when you could stay here?"

she dabs the washcloth on my neck a couple more times and puts the rag away.

" don't understand. I need to get back. I can't stay here."

"alright.. if you wish."

she went over to a cabinet and pulled out an ever so familiar bean. I'm going home. back to my Peter.

"do you know how this works?"

"I do I do. thank you so much. what can I do to repay you?"

"oh, nothing, my dear. being kind is who I am."

"and being kind back is who I am. I'll make sure Peter repays you somehow."

I go to Eliza and help her stand, before I throw the bean to the ground, the white queen speaks,

"why do you call him Peter?"

I turn around to face her,


"why do you call him Peter?.. rumor says he only responds to Pan."

"well I.. uhm.."

I start to worry. will she look at me different?

"well.. technically I'm the Queen of neverland. my heart is in the island."

her face shifts to surprise as she speaks,

"but how can somebody so kind, be a ruler of such a dark place?"

I smile softly at her remark, I put my hand out and spin it softly creating a small fire in my palm.

"my hatred before I came to neverland fuels the fire as Peter would say.."

I close my hand extinguishing the fire.

"how could a flower like yourself hate so deeply my child?"

"I was hated back home. but I've found a new home. thank you for everything you've done. I must get going."

she nodded and curtsied softly. I nod back at her, throw the bean to the floor and grab Eliza's hand. she looks at me with a scared look in her eyes.

"don't worry, just think of neverland with me and jump."

she nods and we jump into the swirling portal on the floor.


we land on the rough sand of neverland.


I grab her hand and race through the dense woods straight to where camp is.

the fire is out. freshly put out.

"look who's decided to return...."

Felix steps from the shadows.

"what? I've only been gone a day!"

he scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"you've been gone a month. Pan is pissed. he's sent his shadow everywhere looking for you."

"uhm, did his dumbass shadow look in wonderland?"


"well that's where I was!! I tripped and fell down a hole with the new girl; Eliza."

he looked Eliza up and down and turned to walk away,

"Pan in his hut?"

he nodded at my question and continued to walk away.

"Eliza, you can stay in my hut tonight, I'll get Peter to conjure up one for you tomorrow."

I lead her to my hut and make sure she's comfortable. I sneak into Lissa's hut and hug her softly enough not to wake her up and sneak back out and start my climb up the latter to Pan's hut in the trees. I reach his door and take a deep breath. I creak it open slowly. it's absolutely pitch black. not a single drop of light. I hear a deep growl come from the other side of the room,

"whoever you are, you should know better."

a wave of my hand lights all the candles in the room. his head was down and I couldn't see his face.

"Peter? it's.. it's me."

he looked up slowly, I read his eyes. he wanted to run and hug me, but there was fury.

"look who came crawling back.."

"excuse me?!"

I step forward toward him and he stands, making me feel short.

"you left neverland. without my permission."

"Jesus Christ Peter don't jump to conclusions. I tripped on a branch when I went and found the new lost girl on the beach. her and I fell into a hole and ended up in wonderland."

he sat back down,

"what did you encounter there?"

"well.. we met these two little boys. a blue caterpillar who technically drugged us. the Cheshire Cat. some horrid jabber jays, and the white queen. she helped me come home."

his eyes perked up slightly.


"yes Peter..I'm home now."

he stood up and engulfed me into his arms. tears began to stream down my face and I wrapped my arms around him. he picked me up and set me down in bed and climbed in with me. how I missed this bed, how I missed this neverland air, and how I missed my Peter.


HEYYYOOO. so I leave for Disneyland on Wednesday!!! and it's technically Sunday here so 3 days!!!! I leave at 4:30 am tho lmao ANYWAYS I WANNA TALK TO YOU GUYS SO KIK ME SO I CAN BE LIKE BFF LOOK DISNEY. ; iluvtolol
is my kik ok

much love

stay not a grown up xx


lost in neverland // Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now