in the trees ◎ Part 26

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the hut around Steph shakes violently as she sobs into her rough pillow, back in her old hut, nearly freezing to death. she rather be on the ground, than in the trees with Pan. even if this storm scares her beyond belief. she missed Dev. this would've been one of the nights, he would've slept in her hut, cradling her close, while she cried into his shoulder, while he kept her warm. she felt as if everything was her fault.

"I can't.."

she muffled out between sobs.

she slowly and shakily brought herself to her knees, and opened her door. she stumbled through the dense forest toward the beach. hoping she'd see Dev standing at the water, waiting for her. she got to the edge of the water, and fell to her knees. everything, was indeed, her fault. the storm shifted and began to become more intense. the raindrops were coming down so hard, they physically hurt her skin; later where they would leave welts. she hid her face with her hands, avoiding the painful droplets. she began to run. she had no idea where she was running to, but she was gonna run. after what seemed like a solid 5-10 minutes of tedious running, she was back at camp. as if she had ran in circles. the raindrops began not just sting, but they began to burn. as if it was raining acid. she couldn't escape her mind and she knew this storm was her fault. she had noticed when her crying had become more vigorous, so did the storm. and when she had began to feel self disgust, the rain had turned to literal acid. she screamed at the top of her lungs as she saw her skin bubble before her eyes she fell to her knees and screamed louder. when suddenly, the pain had stopped. and she was no longer being pelted by the liquid. she looked up to see an annoyed but cornered Pan. he moved his hand above her head slowly, and she watched the blisters fade to nothing. but she felt a burning sensation on her torso, right below her chest, in the middle. she lifted her shirt, to see something burned into her skin, bloody and raw,


she looked up to him with hatred in her eyes, ready to lash out at him but before she could, he moved his shirt down, and showed the left side of his upper torso, had an


burned into his skin. he looked at her with nothing but sympathy, and helped her up. she pushed herself off of him,

"I don't need your sympathy Peter. I can do anything I want. without you."

"really? wanna go back out into the skin disintegrating rain? that your mood swing has caused?"

she bit her lip and glared at the ground,

"well..not exactly-"

"my point. you're so ungrateful for anything I do for you, maybe I should just stop trying, and force you to be my queen-"

"now wait a damn second Pan-"

"shut up and go to bed. I'll deal with you tomorrow."

she stomped to the room he had kept her captive in weeks and weeks ago. it had a sense of familiarity to it, but still felt as if it was a prison. she slammed the door behind her, only to hear Pan shout,

"quit acting like a damn 5 year old,"

"well then stop treating me like one!!"

she face planted onto the bed. this one, was much comfier, and much warmer than the one in her hut.

*16 hours later*

"Steph! Steph! why're you still asleep? ARE YOU DEAD?"

Eliza shakes Steph up violently out of pure panic that her new friend had died in her sleep somehow. Steph snapped up out of bed in a cold sweat at the sudden awakening. her skin hurt from the rain last night. and the P burnt into her chest ached. Eliza looked at her friend with worry in her eyes. Steph sighed and lifted her shirt, to reveal a scabbed over P. Eliza looked at it closely, and ran her fingers over it softly. Steph winced lightly at the pain, but understood why Eliza touched it. she wanted to know if it was real.

"Pan... did this to you? why? I thought he loved you! whats his deal?!?"

Steph looked away as she put her shirt back down,

"shhhh... its alright. its nothing I'm not used to with Pan. he's abusive. its no big deal. he has his weak spots, but he also has those moments where you can still see the boy in him. deep down, I know, he must have at least some feelings for me right? I mean... would he really go to all this trouble for my magic?"

Eliza sighed,

"you know him better than me..but from what I've seen, he's pretty ruthless."

Steph thought to herself, she could be totally right, he could totally be using her for just her powers. it wouldn't be a surprise. those jabber jays certainly didn't help with her doubt about Pan. Steph wanted off this subject. the more she thought about it, the more real it seemed.

"you never told me why you washed up on this dammed island, Eliza"

Eliza was gazing around the room, taking it all in, as if it was all gonna be gone in a snap.


her head snapped towards Steph,

"I'm sorry. what did you say?"

"I asked why you were here. only the unloved, lonely and lost show up here."

"can I trust you?"

Eliza looked at Steph with hope, as if she had trusted before but had been let down unlike any other. Steph grabbed Eliza's hands and squeezed them,

"with your life, us girls have to stick together."

"my brother...well step-brother. he was taken from me when I was about 12. him and I were inseparable. but then a shadow took him. after that, I became depressed and had no motivation to do anything, so I guess that sums up why I feel lost right? I mean I didn't even know what this place was or anything when I got here though."

Steph nodded her head. but something didn't add up. she would've known if one of the boys had a sibling that ended up as a lost girl. unless...

"is his name Alec?"

her eyes lit up with pure joy but were laced with confusion.

"how'd you know?!"

"Eliza..I know your brother.. h-he tried to kill me.."

she looked at Steph. blankly.

"you must know the wrong Alec, my brother would never hurt anybody,"

"no Eliza, it was him. but I dont care. I want you happy. so...we're gonna find him. Pan hid him from me and the boys because he became a danger to me and the island. but he's been here so long. he has anger built up about Pan's shadow taking him from his family. and now I know why. he left his baby sister behind. to fend for herself. dont worry Eliza, we'll get you and your brother home safe.. I promise."



I actually updated, aren't you guys prooouuuuud? anyways boys suck btw. OMG PAN IS COMING BACK TO OUAT IMA CRY OK OMFG.


wanna hear a secret????

i love you and i value you. you literally make my life so much better.

much love and stay not a grown up xx


lost in neverland // Robbie KayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora