Jake/Nyssa Saint Patrick's - Amelia Wanner

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Have you ever had that day while working, that you knew what was going to happen, yet no matter how much you tried to avoid it, it'll come and you'll have to be there, even if you don't want to?

I bet you know what I'm talking about.

Well, for me, that day is Saint Patrick's Day.

I work as a bartender/waitress when we're packed and we don't have enough personnel. I mean, is not a bad job and the tips usually help compensate and add to your just-above-minimum salary. No, that's not why I'm complaining.

My complain is directed towards the drunks and idiots that want to take advantage towards the girl that work in the bar. More than once I've seen men being slapped, punched and thrown away because they couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Not that had happened to me, thank God so far, but I'm ready for that, just in case (not even my boss knows it, but I'm a 3rd dan black belt in aikido. You don't know what that is? Go see a Steven Seagal movie!).

"Ready for today, Ame?" I looked from the glass I was cleaning to my partner, Emile, who was placing some beers in the fridge. I sighed to him.

"Are you ready, Emile? Cause I'm not!" I admitted, making him chuckle, nervously. Yeah, this day could be one of the most busy of the year, but it was also the most dangerous. We had, but never used, some kind of barrier between us and the costumers, just in case they get pretty turvy.

"It's only one time a year..."

"Yeah, because it's the only day a year they think is allow to get drunk" I rolled my eyes, continuing my task. The noises and the fireworks were already being heard and the celebration doesn't start until 10am "Maybe it's an Irish thing, because I don't get it..."

"Don't worry. Sean is Irish and doesn't get it either" Sean was the bouncer and he hated this day as well.

Oh, well... Bring the people in...


God, how much I hate my mouth!!

Time: 12:30pm.

It's even packer than a nerd convention! (And nothing against nerds, just using it as an example)

Let me describe the general crowd in here. Basically, every male that is inside this bar is chubby in the face, fat in the stomach, short in hight, hairier than Big Foot (but lacking in the head department) and drunker than a cask. And we can't forget that they're more touchy than ever and redder than a sunburn, with not an ounce of morality in their bodies.

So far, Sean already threw three people out because of their behavior. One of the girls locked herself in the bathroom for ten minutes before she came out, her make up all smear and stuff. I had to force her out and placed her behind the bar, where she could be a little more secure, while I covered for her.

The only ones that weren't making a scene were a couple that was seated in the back of the bar. A man and a woman, that appeared to be in a date or stuff. Why would someone pick up a date on Saint Patrick's is beyond me. I headed their way, my pad in my hand.

"Hello, what can I get you?" I introduced myself (sort of) to them. I took a better look of their appearance. They were medium hight, even though that was hard to say because they were sitting. Both had brownish hair, but the girl had it behind a bandanna, as if she wanted away from her face. Their skin was very tan, but which was more surprising was the fact that around their brown eyes, there were marks of no tan at all, which meant goggles or some kind of protection around it.

"Just the special, we won't make you crazy today" the guy stated, looking around the bar. I snorted and nodded.

"Just not be here after two... We have an annual drinking/arm wrestling contest" I informed them. The girl smirked and nodded.

"Looks like we're staying" The guy groaned, clearly annoyed by that comment.

"C'mon, Nyssa..." he pleaded "If you spare us from that awful behavior, I promise you'll be in charge of the next year projects or you'll lead them!" The girl, Nyssa, stopped to think a little, but shook her head.

"It's a too good opportunity to pass it up, Jake. I'm gonna kick someone good and you'll praise me!"

"How are we siblings, I ignore it..."


Time: 14:35pm

The couple of siblings, Nyssa and Jake, were on their side of the table watching as a guy who doubled their ages was drinking his fourth pint of green beer. The crowd was cheering and chanting and making more noise than kids in a playground. I was watching from the bar, cleaning some glasses, because at this time, only the waiters are allow. We girls want nothing to be close.

"Alright, alright, alright!!" Nyssa stopped the chanting. She was grabbing her fifth pint, watching steadily at the guy in front of her, to see if he would pass out after the drink. Jake was next to her, trying to held her in place. She was, in terms, drunk, but she hasn't pass out yet, so she was still in competition. Few seconds later, the guy passed out while Nyssa drank her pint. The crowd didn't like it, especially when Nyssa put the glass down and stood up, just a little tipsy.

"Nyssa, get down!" Jake ordered her, pulling her down.

"No!!" she complained, frowning. She was clearly drunk "This is gonna be a lesson! For you!!" she gestured the entire bar. By now, everyone lost interest in the competition. Just because a woman won. Crying babies...

"Nyssa, is time for your nap..."

"I don't wanna!!" she pouted at Jake, but she sat down. The second she laid her head on his shoulder she was snoring. I chuckled to myself. This was a better ending than last year, for sure.



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