CHAPTER-32 'Drama Queen'

Start from the beginning

'Yeah, if bitches in the business could give me the high I would have been married with 3 kids but what a shame I have to rely on my weed.' Ryder says while lit up a new cigarette while looking all dapper.

'Yeah, you are right brother' I say. Ryder looks surprise to hear my response. You know it's not every day I appreciating his love for drugs.

'Here, Take it' Ryder says. He hands me over his half-burned cigarette. I am well aware that it contains weeds.

'No man, not today 'I say while raising my hands like my surrendering to him.

'Don't be a pussy and take it 'He says. Drugs and alcohol are part of life in LA Nobody really give a shit that you do drugs or not. I could name so many people who are doing drugs for years and doing pretty well in business also and whereas I am concerned I have done them a few times before but they appeared harmless to me.

'Whatever man 'I say and took a stroke. I thought what harm one do. I took one stroke and after that another stroke and let's just say I was stoned before midnight.



I can't tell when from that one time at the club it became the second then the third and after that, I lost count. At starting, I was smoking weed once a day and then it became twice. After some time smoking weed twice a day was not enough I couldn't feel the high any more then I start doing it more and more. Then when doing it so much didn't help I started doing other drugs .The more I did the more I craved .It was no more about getting high it became my need. Just within 8 months time I managed to screw my life and I became an addict. All I wanted was my daily dose of drugs.

I thought every day that tomorrow I will quit but that tomorrow never came. In the morning, I used to wake up craving for a smoke. My days started becoming a lot smaller and night a lot longer. I had been doing shit all my life but the shit I was doing at that time was the worse

I met people who encouraged me to do feel deeper and deeper into drugs.Though Ryder never said anything to me and Alvin found out when it was too late. I think Ryder didn't tell me to stop because he knew I will not.

I don't remember much from the time just that some people said my stardom got to head some said I got my heart broken. Two things they got wrong. I was not heartbroken because with Hanna my heart was never involved and with stardom, I was given no choice. I dealt with its side effect for last 6 years and I don't see any sudden reason that it could affect me so much. As much as I like to say it was meant to happen but I know it was not. According to me, anybody star or not could go one a self-destruction mode like I did if they think that they are invincible like I did.

No one could deny I messed up almost everything but I was fortunate enough to have people like my sister and Alvin who encouraged me to get out of the sick lifestyle I had landed myself on.

I was eight years old when my mom got lung cancer I have seen her depending on tranquillizers and those fucked up drugs throughout her treatment and I never thought bad of drugs because for me that shit helped her to ease her pain.

Just ten months ago I got to know her cancer had recovered and it was malignant. We went to best hospitals in the country but no matter where we went for her treatment everybody said they can't help us because it was too late.

The day I decided I will go to rehab was the day when my mother died. The previous night of her death I was high as F**k I remained dozed off the next day woke up in the middle of the night to see hundreds of text messages and calls from my friends and family they all wanted me to come tell her Goodbye. By the time I woke up she was already gone for 12 hours. I went to her funeral with bloated eyes. I couldn't believe the mother who cherished me more than her life was no more with me. Even though seeing her suffering every day was mentally as well as emotionally weary I still had hope left with me. I thought she okay and I be okay too.

Doctor had given up on her months before her death for months we all knew the time will come but I never imagined It will come when I will lying on my couch all dozed off .The worst part of everything was I had not gone to visit her in the hospital for weeks .I couldn't even remember last time I saw her. It was it I Thought I rather die than living a life like I lived for past eight months.

I was in Rehab for 7 months. My PR team did their best to hide it from media but they soon find out and let's say I am talk of the town from months now there are speculations about me leaving music and all the other kinds of bullshit but I am not letting everything get to my head and trying my best to keep my focus on music or now.

My thoughts are soon interrupted when Alvin enter my room all dressed up in his black suit and wearing an intercom he looks more like a spy to me then my manager. We both nod at each other

'Are ready?' Alvin asks and I just raise my brows in question.

'Vyan you know you got to put an end to bullshit surrounding you' Alvin says he voice stern. I didn't say to him but nod my head in agreement.

'Now, get your fat ass of the sofa and clean up you got 15 minutes with you' Alvin says.

'Don't you dare say anything about my ass It all muscles brother'I say smirking and got up.

'Whatever you say Drama queen' Alvin says in his cheery voice and left immediately when his phone bell rang. I don't know about me but today is going to full of drama and revelations. 

I HAVE CHANGED THE CHAPTER COMPLETELY I WAS NOT HAPPY WITH IT AND I AM SORRY FOR NOW UPDATING FOR SO LONG. new chapter are coming up fast because now I am written quite a few...THANKS A LOT FOR READING :) Your comments and votes means a you all

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