Chapter 28

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The burnt orange hall has been shut down for repairs from the bombing. From what I've gathered, the infrastructure of this underground base is so strong that only the areas where the small but deadly bomb--or, as some guess, bombs--were damaged. The sources of the attacks can't be found.

When the doors open, I'm staring at charred bits. The orange on the walls is really burnt now, so much I can't even see the color past the charred, black blocks that remain. I can see rooms back. Voices echo through the open hallways.

Before anyone can see me, I start for the office Xander had taken me to the day before. Had that really been a day ago? I'll never understand the way things can change in such a small amount of time. I almost feel like a completely different person than I was a day ago.

But the information Xander wanted to show me will always be the same.

And it has to do with me. Xander never said it, but I'm sure beyond a doubt that the information in the file has to do with me. Why else would Xander be so keen on letting me in on the secret? Why not Baya, Brody, or Jeremii?

Then comes the bigger question: why was Michael so angry Xander knew about it?

It has to be something more than I can even comprehend.

My gut sinks as I turn down the last hallway. I remember that Xander had used a key to get into the room; I don't have one now. As I near the door, I find that some of the bombing has affected the rooms this far down. The door sits crooked on its hinges and is broken at the lock.

I ram the door open with my shoulder. I catch it just before it falls and slowly lower it to the ground. The light is off. When I try to flick the switch no bulb turns on. The lighting system must be out. My hands work to find an Adapter in the darkness. These Adapters must run on their own. I'm able to turn on the first Adapter I find. The home screen doesn't have a password attached--these people trust each other too much for their own good. This file that Michael had been so keen on keeping from me is floating within this unprotected Adapter. It's so important Michael and Xander were the only ones who knew about it.

Now only one of them knows.

It's vital that I find out what that knowledge is.

It takes me nearly a half hour to track down any file that is remotely interesting. Most of them are on things that aren't the most intriguing, like how food is having a negative effect on the earth and behavioral disorders are less common in the Movement, yet are becoming even more common in Free Speak societies.

But then I find a folder that piques my interest.

It's hidden so deep in other folders that you would have to be looking for it to find it; or have spent more time in one folder out of almost a thousand others. The label claims it to be full of "experiments". When I open the experiments, though, there is only one file with no name.

I check over my shoulder and listen carefully. No one moves down this hallway.

Carefully, I open the file.

The heading of the document is immediately familiar. The entire first page is in red lettering, stating the file is confidential. Michael's name is on the bottom of the document. This experiment, whatever it is, is all his own.

At first the file only seems to talk about our Transmitters. Pages drone on about stuff I already know--how Transmitters change thought patterns, transfer new information, and adjust moods. There's even information on how the Movement may be using it to incorrectly alter information in Movement minds.

To Michael, this is a very interesting concept.

"I've created my own serum for Transmitters," Michael writes. "I've found test subjects in the Movement and targeted specific memories for weeks before their transfer to our society. Through my serum and the targeted memories, I plan to alter the memories completely."

I read on. He's run this experiment twenty times now. For the first thirteen experiments, the trial didn't work in full.

The last seven, though, were successful.

Especially the seventh, Michael boasts.

My eyes find the name attached to the seventh victim.

My eyes catch my own name.

"The last type of memory transfer I wanted to try was replacing old memories for new ones created by me. I targeted memories in subject RAMM that have proven to be completely altered, leaving an entire person out of his memory to be replaced with someone new."

I turn away from the screen and run my hands through my hair, which is again matted. I'd been too upset and lightheaded for a shower after the bombing.

I can't wrap my head around what I'm reading.

Michael has altered my memory. Someone in my memory is missing. I read my section again, then again. It doesn't say who I've forgotten or who I now remember.

Maybe Xander knew who it was; maybe that's what he wanted to tell me. There must be another file somewhere...

I don't have time.

I feel that I have to get out soon.

First, I must figure out the purpose of this experiment.

I have to read it three times before my brain can fully comprehend it.

When I can, I turn from the screen and hurry away before I can think of the implications the explanation brings.



Well things are getting pretty interesting, and they're only going to heat up from here! We're a few weeks out from the climax, and you will not want to miss it!

Also, I have free time back starting this weekend! Woo! If I read one of your stories, I will be back around after this week is finished. I can't wait to get my Wattpad time back!

And you know how I've been saying I might post another original after the summer? Yeah, well I might start posting it next week. I'd only update it once a week, but you would still get a nice, new read if you like my stuff! I'll keep you guys updated on how that's going!

In the meantime, vote, comment, share, etc! Thank you for all your support and feedback!!

Alisha :)

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