Ready For Battle

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Five weeks later.

Barry and Oliver called everyone who they knew could help. Firestorm, Black Canary, Hawk girl and Hawk man, the Atom, the Red Arrow, and thats not even including Barry, Oliver, Lizzie, Caitlin, Harrison, Cisco, Felicity and Diggle. So yeah, they've got a very big team!

Cisco and Felicity had managed to track down Stephen's base; it was located about half a mile west of Central City, in the middle if no where on a abandoned army base.

They'd spent the past five weeks discovering who's in Stephen's team, and slowly taking them down. They'd now got about 9 locked up in their meta-human proof mini prison. They'd worked out there should only be Stephen, Effy and one more mystery person left at this base. The only problem is, is that team Stephen has now clocked onto the fact that team flash and arrow know were there base is!

"Barry come quick!" Cisco shouted. Barry, along with everyone else, came running over to Cisco. Once everyone was gathered round Cisco's computer screen, he pointed to a part on the screen. It was a satellite birds eye video of Stephen's base. "No one's there".

Lizzie looked at a Barry, "you thinking what i'm thinking?"

"I think we ought to throw team Stephen a surprise party while their out!" Barry claimed.

Everyone set to work. Cisco, Caitlin, Harrison and Felicity all sat at computers. Caitlin and Harrison were keeping an eye on the satellite video watch was feeding them information on what was happening at Stephen's base at that very moment. Whereas Cisco and Felicity worked to try to hack into Stephen's computer system without him, Effy or their mystery team mate finding out. Everyone was else got ready to go to the abandoned army base.

Finally everyone was ready. Oliver, Diggle, and Sara (black canary) mounted their motorcycles and set off. Ray (the atom) changed into his suit and flew off. Martin and Jay merged to form Firestorm and flew off. Then soon followed by Hawk girl and Hawk man who also flew off.

Barry and Lizzie walked over to one another, Barry pulled Lizzie into a hug and said "after you". Lizzie pulled away from the hug and transformed into a bird, and gracefully flew off. Then finally Barry in a flash changed into his suit and sped of in the direction of the others.

He over took Oliver, Diggle and Sara within in forty seconds. He stopped half way to catch his breath. He looked up into the sky and saw a flame shoot past, that must be Firestorm, a blue and red looking blur, that must be the atom, and a tiny but fast bird, that of course must be Lizze. He smiled then continued to run.

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