The First Week

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Sooner that she knew, Lizzie's first week as a forensic scientist at the CCPD was over. Barry had shown her everything she needed to do I'm the job. She thought it was all going to be in the lab running tests, but they occasionally went out to crime scenes.

After work Friday, Lizzie decided to take Sebastian for a walk round the lake as it was now officially spring. The lake was only a 3 minute walk from her house and would take a good half an hour to walk round the whole lake. But Sebastian is a husky, so he does need alot more exercise than other dogs. So after persuading Sebastian to stop playing with his purple dragon, she puts him in his harnesh (she doesn't like putting the lead on the collar because in case the dog pulls she doesn't want it hurting them), clips the lead to the harnesh and they're off.

When they arrived at the lake, the main park area was packed with kids who had just left of school and were on their way home. The busy areas continued to the left, so Lizzie decides to go to the right. It was easy to tell that Sebastian had never been to a lake before. His little face looked so excited! He was sniffing every plant and would then run to the next tree. All though he was a bit scared of the water. He'd slowly go up to it, stick a paw in, then run away as if he'd seen a ghost. He just made Lizzie giggle.

5 minutes later after watching Sebastian go about his little adventure. Lizzie looked up and saw Barry and Iris sat at a pinic bench. They both had serious looks on their faces which suggested they were talking about something rather important. Barry's head turned round and saw Lizzie, he didn't make eye contace. He turns back to Iris, says something, then leaves.

Lizzie continues walking, as if she hasn't seen them. "Hey Lizzie. Nice to see you! How are you?" Iris had came up to her.

"I'm good thanks. Just walking Sebastian. How about you?" She says trying to cover up the fact that she knew they had been talking about her.

"I'm alright, its been a long week. Soooo, I heard you and Barry are going out!" She says as Sebastian jumped up onto her legs.

"Yeah, he uh, um he asked me out Sunday"

"Are you OK? You don't sound your usual bubbly happy self" Iris asked with a concerned look.

"Barry's been basically avoiding me out side of work. At the end of the day he'll say bye, kiss me on the cheek then rush off somewhere. Like just now, he left as soon as he saw me" Lizzie stops, she knew she had gone off on one again. She's the kind of girl who bottles up her feelings all the time, tell she is nearly at a point of exploding.

"Don't worry, his just a busy guy. Just me, he really cares about you"

"Thanks, but I'm having a hard time believing it at the moment" Lizzie looks down at her phone to see the time, at the same time and notices a missed call, "Anyway, I better be heading back home. See ya later".

"Bye Lizzie"

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