I don't want to talk to you

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It's Sunday... Which means tomorrow Lizzie starts her new job along side Barry. So she decides to head down to the mall and go shopping. She leaves Sebastian with her neighbours, and heads off at 10:00 am. She told herself not to have a lay in, but she couldn't help it, her bed was too cozie!

2 hours later, she finally leaves the mall, and decides to grab a take away mocha from CC Jitters'. Maybe she'll bump into Barry.

"Lizzie? Hey! How are you?" Some one got up from the table near the door and walks up to her. It wasn't Barry...

"Stephen? What are you doing in America?" It was her ex boyfriend, the one she was telling the flash about earlier that week.

"I came to talk to you, Lizzie!" He went to hold her hand, but she pulled away.

"I don't want to talk to you! So I guess you've just wasted your time" She walked round him and towards the counter. "Hey Iris, can I have a take away mocha, no milk"

"Coming up" Iris turned and started making her mocha.

"Lizzie! I was hoping I'd see you" It was Barry!

"Hey Barry, how can I .." Before she could even finish her sentence, Stephen cut her off.

"Please Lizzie, give me a second chance! I've changed I'm different! Please, let me buy your drink" Once again, he tried to hold her hand.

"Stop it! Stephan... You cheated on me with someone who I thought was my best friend! You said you'd love me forever so I'd forget my past! Sorry but what part of love means kissing another girl" He grabbed her hand. "Let go! Stephen!" She tried to pull away. "I'll call the cops!"

" Lizzie... Come on, trust me... I've changed..." Before he could finish, he was pushed up against a table with his hands behind his back with someone putting hand cuffs on him, it was detective Joe West, Iris's dad. He lead him off to a police car waiting outside.

" You OK?" Barry came back over to her. He had been the one to call the cops.

"Thanks for that"

"No problem. I'd noticed a packet of these illegal candy in his pocket, his probably high as a kite on those things. That's probably what's 'changed' him" He waited while Lizzie paid for her drink and added her non-diairy milk before he continued, "I've found a cute little restaurant on the harbour front which serves for vegans. Wanna go there for lunch?"

"Yeah... that would be nice" She picked up her drink, and Barry held her hand giving her a look which says 'your save now'.

In A HeartBeat (The Flash fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now