The child looked up again, he couldn't of been more than eight possibly nine and with a quick nod he scurried out .

William sat sadly on his bed. Even that brief bit of company had made him forget what he would have to face later. He would have to look after Amelia, like a brother. Inspect the man and from Francis account walk her down the isle when their marriage was approved.

The boy was back as the door quickly opened and armed with an empty tub which he quickly placed down before he scurried out and returned with another tub full of water."Sir?" The boy whispered

Looking up at him William sighed and heaved himself off the bed. Slowly talking off his clothes the boy watched patiently for his harsh commands."What's your name?" William asked

The boy faltered. He hadn't been asked that before he had always been given them by his master never asked. His current name Samuel. "Samuel sir" He repiled.

William nodded and cursing mildly as he entered the water and it was a bit too hot. His tone flashed red and as he got out it ebbed to a pink.

"I'm so sorry sir I did not mean to I I ohh master will be angry again" The boy cried out at last and William panicked he seemed so afraid. So lost.

"No no I'm not angry it's not your fault I'll sit out till it cools down."William said finally.

The boy blinked. No angry words. No screaming. No beatings. "You're not angry?"

William shook his head slowly and took the towel next to them. The child shifted awkwardly and ran out the room. "Samuel wait" He yelled.

Storming out of the room William's barefeet tapped across the floor."Samuel stop." William yelled again.

"Father William.."Francis yelled, turning towards the astrewn William "What are you doing ?"

William sighed in disbelief why was he chasing a servant ? "Your Majesty" He bowed low although the men with Francis were chuckling at him.

"Address us when you have some clothes please" A man with long flaming red hair commanded."it's rather stupid when your in the presence of your king and virgins don't you think?"

William looked around for these so called Maidens but instead was faced with a load of normally attired women who walked around in less, especially when coming out of the kings chambers.

"Y-Yes of course sir" He bowed again"I apologize" and headed off running for Samuel.

"Where is Samuel?" William headed down a spiral of stairs.

There was a corridor, long and quite dark apart from two lanterns at each end and one in the middle, William grabbed one and headed for the doors."Excuse me where is a servant called Samuel?"

The man snorted and slammed the door shut and William sunk onto the floor."Amelia?"

She smiled and waved getting off the man that clung onto her she skipped over."What do you think?"

"I don't approve of immoral behaviour." William snapped gesturing in the direction of where Amelia was a minute ago.

"Immoral." She quivered."You think of me a whore?"

William looked angrily at her face."I never said that. You never held other men at home." His voice hitched.

Her hand itched and she hugged her body."When we were at home? Well you never accused me of being a whore either."

"You are not a whore Amelia." He shivered in the cold slience."You deserve better then them, they only want a body to warm their beds."

"I deserve better." She paused, trying to collect herself."Everyone seems to say that but I don't I'm a servant, used to serve. I don't need or deserve a knight in shining armour."

William got up and looked at her, he stepped closer to her."You deserve a knight, a man able to give you riches and diamonds, take you to places only imaginable, to have time to love you and hold you and a baron can do that. Not dip shits."

That shocked Amelia, he never swore, never cursed and she saw a glimer of hope underneath all that perfection she was use to seeing."Maybe I don't want that, maybe I want a dip shit as you put it. Maybe I deserve a thug, rapist or a tainted knight."

William held her close and pressed her to his firm chest, she blushed profoundly but did not let go. She clung onto him and he didn't let go.

"Amelia, you are engaged." He whispered in her ear.

"I am nothing and you will listen to me in that, I will not marry him. I cannot hurt him that way."

William quivered, he longed to kiss her. He had longed to hold her for so long and now. He brushed a hair from her cheek.

"I will not ruin you Amelia, get off." He shoved her off and wanted to be sick thinking the humilation that his friend could face.


William closed his eyes and pulled her body towards him but walked up the stairs. The men stood at the top of the stairs laughing.

Francis at the head of the group, the men from earlier were laughing and nudging each other."William you will have to marry her now won't you?"

William stood stunned and looked at Francais who had a grin on his face."Your Ma-"

"Debauching father, most saddening but you will face the conserquences. You must marry Amelia, I will not have disgrace upon my court."

William swallowed and caught the light humor before nodding."I suggest you go change, I think we all have seen enough flesh."

William turned to the direction of his room."Oh and father, your wife will not be pleased you showing so much to my men. It may sway them into other sexual desires."

William caught the joke and nodded, ashamed till Francis pushed in front of him patting him on the back and whispering in his ear."There, that wasn't so hard was it."

Leaving William confused Francis kissed Amelia's hand and swished out the corridor.

Author's note: I know a William and Amelia chapter, they make me so happy. Anyway please if you don't mind vote, comment please and thanks for all your support so far.

Under His Watch {16th Century Valois-Orléans-Angoulême Romance]Where stories live. Discover now