Chapter 2

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During lunch Alec looked around for a while until he spotted an empty table and sat there. If he was Isabelle he would've found some nice people and asked them if he could sit with them, but he didn't have the courage and he didn't really mind sitting alone either. This was just fine.

The day hadn't been as bad as he had thought, though he hadn't enjoyed it that much either. Most classes were pretty interesting which was nice, but few of the teachers were total assholes. He had been mostly left alone which was incredible, though people still stared curiously because he was new. It would die down soon enough.

Suddenly someone pushed him aside and he basically flew against the lockers and saw a guy sneering at him. "Hope you're having a great first day."

"You think that's somehow cool?" A voice said and Alec saw a guy stepping up to the bully. He was purple jeans, black v-neck t-shirt, his black hair was spiked up and had glitter in it. He had bright yellow eyes that surprised Alec. He was skinny, about three times smaller than the other guy, but also taller than him. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Is that why you're doing it? Cause you think it's cool to throw people around? Or is it because you think you're somehow above everyone else? I mean isn't that getting like.. Really old?"

"Fuck off." The other guy said. "This isn't any of your business."

The yellow-eyed boy smiled. "So.. You have the right to treat people like shit but I don't have the right to step in and tell you you're being a jackass?"

"I said," The guy said with a warning tone and stepped closer. "Fuck off."

The other boy didn't seem scared at all and stepped closer as well. "Make me." The whole hallway was watching as they stood there and Alec didn't know what to do, awkwardly standing against the lockers. Then the guy who had pushed him just walked away, giving him a death glare. People seemed impressed that the bully had been stepped on for now, but Alec knew none of those people would've defended him or actually done anything about it themselves.

The yellow-eyed boy walked over to him with a smile. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." Alec mumbled. "You didn't have to do that."

"I did." He replied and offered his hand. "I'm Magnus."

"Alec." He said but didn't take his hand. "And I don't need your help."

Magnus raised his brows. "Why so defensive? Look, I'm sorry if I hurt your ego but I didn't do it to make you look weak, I did it because it's wrong and should stop. And I like putting Justin in his place, he's a total asshole."

Alec felt embarrassed that he had given the expression that he was somehow arrogant or had gotten his ego hurt. "Right. Thank you."

Magnus smiled. "No problem, it was fun."

"Okay, well.. I'm..." Alec mumbled. "I'll.. Go. I'm gonna get home."

"Alright, see you tomorrow." Magnus said with a smile and Alec just walked away quickly.

"How was your first day?" Maryse, their mom, asked as they were all sitting around the dinner table.

"It was good." Alec replied, he didn't wanna make them worried again.

"That's great." Maryse replied with a smile.

"I had a good day too!" Their little brother Max said smiling. "I had a math test and it went well."

"Awesome." Isabelle said and offered her hand, they highfived. Alec smiled slightly.

"We're working late tomorrow night." Robert, their father, said then. "Could you pick up Max from school, Alec?" They worked in the same place and usually always picked up Max on their way home.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." Alec replied with a nod. "So, I'll get the car tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course." Robert said.

"Yay!" Max said excitedly. "That means I can sit on the frontseat!"

"No, you'll sit in the back as always." Maryse told him.

"But Alec always lets me sit at front with him." Max argued and their parents turned to Alec who moved around the food on his plate.

"Well, not always..."

AN: MaGnUs! Sorry if this is a bit short too, I'll work on it ;) I have stuff planned out but I'm not completely sure where I'm taking this story yet so.. Bare with me. Anyway, I appreciate all comments even though I rarely post my stuff online and when I do, I'm so freaked about people's opinions it's ridiculous. Review anyway and let me know if I should continue. Thanks to all my followers and readers :) xx

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