Chapter 1 Noah..

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A year and a couple of months later. .

Leah Bradley's Pov: " and this is a circle, noah." I smiled down at the toddler in front of me. Noah Joseph Bradley, born March 22. Noah stared at the toy in my hand, putting his arms up, trying to grab it." Your a smart little boy." I giggled.

I heard the alarms go off , signaling someone walked in the door. " I'm home." Nathan called from the door.

" in our room." I yelled loud enough for him to hear. I sat criss cross in the middle of the bed with Noah in front of me. I had just bathed him after a long day at the park while Nathan was at work.

Nathan walked into our room, taking his jacket off and hanging it on a hook before walking over a picking up Noah. " Noah!" He smiled, tossing Noah in the air and catching him. Hearing Noah's giggle made a small grin curve my lips.

Nathan sat Noah in front of me before falling back on the bed, his head landing in my lap. "So, how was your day?" Nathan questioned.

I shrugged." Wake Noah up, feed him oatmeal, go to the park, come back home for bath time. The usual routine."

" sounds boring." He pouted. I shrugged."well, you get to go back to work. Aren't you excited to see Vena?" Vena and I opened up our own boutique. Though, I haven't been there lately, ever since I had Noah.

I shrugged again." I don't know. I really don't want to put Noah in a day care." I rubbed Noah's head and he glanced down, playing with his toy. Noah was only one. I would really be upset is something bad happened to him at a daycare.

What if they give him something he's allergic to? Or he gets hurt? Or the employees are abusive? I worry to much.

Nathan glanced over at Noah." Noah, tell your mother to stop worrying all the time." He demanded, knowing Noah couldn't actually do that.

" I just don't want anything bad to happen to him." I stared at Noah who stared at me back like he knew what we were talking about him.

" Leah, it's a daycare."

" Nathan, it's Noah."

A breath left Nathan mouth as he sat up from my lap. I spoke up." I don't want anything to happen to Noah. I spent my whole life thinking no one was gonna hurt me when they almost did. And now I'm scared that people like Tay-"

I stopped my sentence as Nathan turned to me. Silence spread throughout the room and we just stared at each other. Finally, Noah began to yell which detached my eyes from Nathan's."I'm gonna go make dinner." I mumbled.

Getting up from the bed, I slipped out our room and walked into the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen, I pulled a pot out the bottom cabinet and began cleaning it out.

Little silverwares laid at the bottom of the sink. Picking up one, I began to clean it. I glanced up at the shining glass on the wall in front of me.

I stared at my reflection, continuing to clean the silverware. I felt a spark spring throughout my finger. Glancing down, blood gushed out my finger." Fuck." I winced.

Cutting the sink off, I turned to the island table and picked up a decorative kitchen towel and began wiping my blood off. Footsteps entered the kitchen and reveled a shirtless Nathan."Leah, are you okay?" He asked, walking over to me.

" yeah, I just cut myself when washing the dishes." I explained. Nathan took the alcohol out from under the sink and pulled me by my arm over to the sink. Opening the alcohol, he poured it over my finger and I watched the bubbly substance fizzle up and fade away."Nathan, it was accident."

The Sleeping Arangement -jadabada01 (EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now