Chapter 42 Fights And Attacks !

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Leah's Pov : " What the fuck are you doing in my condo ?" I spat at Warren.

" you know this guy ?" Nathan asked, still upset.

" no, I know that asshole !" I pointed at Warren .

" where do you know him from !" Nathan yelled at me .

Fuck ! I have to tell them.

Warren spoke up ." Leah, I need that bracelet !"

Suddenly, Parker walked in the opened door.
" Warren, I told you not to do this ! What's going on in your head ?" Parker asked.

" your crazy !" I spat at Warren." Warren, you better leave before I call the police!"

" or better yet, I rip you head off !" Nathan added to my sentence.

" after Leah gives me that bracelet !" Warren yelled.

Parker spoke up.

" dude ! It's a fuckin bracelet ! You traded you friend over a bracelet and you broke into your old partners house for an bracelet ! No wonder I'm not hanging with you anymore !" Parker yelled at Warren.

" Once I get the bracelet ! I'll leave everyone the fuck alone !"

" fine !" I yell, walking through the condo as I went into the room. I walked over to my side of the bed, pulling the bracelet out from under the mattress.

I speeded back to the living room shocked to see that Nathan hadn't punch this guy yet. Everyone makes eye contact with me. I was about to throw the bracelet at Warren like how I did every other fake one but Parker stopped me .

" stop ." Parker said walking towards Warren.
"Warren, don't you seen what you've did ? You've lost my friendship ! You traded your friend for a piece of plastic ! You've broken into your old partners house and you made her cry !"

" you made her cry ?" Nathan ask, his face getting red .

Oh shit ! When Nathan's mad, all hail breaks loose.

Nathan throws his fist towards Warren but Warren quickly ducked.

This is where all the spy training pays off.

" Parker grab Nathan and hold him back !" I yelled at Parker.

Parker did as said and grabbed Nathan's arms holding him back in a corner.

" Warren if you wanna fight someone, fight me!" I spat.

Warren smirked and rubbed his hands together as he began walking towards me. He throws a punch towards me but I duck, as I duck down, I take his led pulling him on the ground as he lies on his chest. I climb on his back putting his hands behind his back.

" Parker ! do you have any hand cuffs ?" I ask.

" who doesn't ?" Parker responded. And like that, Parker threw me some hand cuff that we rapped around his weapon belt.

I quickly cuffed Warrens hands and stood his up. Parker lets go of Nathan and walks up to me.

" I got him from here now." Parker said taking Warren's arms out of my hands.

" where are you taking him now?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips and catching my breath.

" Headquarters, they'll want to here about this. Especially, Professor DashWood." Parker smiled and I smiled back.

" bye Leah ."

" bye Parker." And with that, those two left. Leaving the condo a disaster.

Nathan stood in the corner in shocked. I look around the torn up condo.

The Sleeping Arangement -jadabada01 (EDITING!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ