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Rose's P.O.V.

We cascaded down the stairs slowly and at the bottom of the first set of stairs, Julie met up with the announcer. She gave him our names then he started to announce the next people to come down.

We started walking down the last flight of stairs and I saw Jake before he saw me. He looked so handsome. His hair was smoothed back, he was in a black tux and he had a red rose in his hand. Once he saw me his face lit up and there was that gorgeous smile of his.

"Rose, you look so beautiful." He says not taking his eyes off me.

I smile and give him a hug. He grabs my hand and leads me to our table. I see Violet and she stands up and gives me a hug.

(Violet and her dress

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(Violet and her dress.)

She had a Violet princess dress that had stars going around it. It matched her personality perfectly.

"Hi Luna. You look so pretty, Rose." She exclaims while giving me the most sisterly hug ever.

Soon enough, Lizzy sees us also. I wave to her and motion her over. She was wearing a dark blue, crossover, slim dress. She looked marvelous. Harley appeared behind her and he had a black tux on with a deep blue corsage. They both looked good.

I gave them both hugs and we went and sit down.


A few hours into the ball and I gotta say, it has been super fun. Lizzy has been teaching my sign language and my brother and Jake have been talking sports. Violet and I talked a lot.

Jake got up from his seat then walked over to mine. He held out his hand and I put mine in his. He stood me up then walked me over to the ballroom dance floor.

I stand there and he puts my hands on his shoulders, then puts his hands on my waist. A slow song turns on and we move in rhythm. It was the perfect moment.

Everyone clears on the dance floor as Jake and I dance. We move all across the dance floor and it felt perfect. He turned me outwards then spun me towards him and dipped me. He held my there for the last few seconds then kissed my lips as the song came to a stop.

Everyone starts to cheer and clap. Jake and I walk back to our seat and Violet and Lizzy congratulate me. I thank them and Julie walks up on stage.

"Hello, everyone. Today, this ball is to honor our new Luna." She says and everyone bursts out in applause. "She won all of her fights today, and has socialized well with our pack over the day. Please welcome Rose Walker for our new Luna!" She exclaims as she waves me up.

Jake gives me a small push and I slowly walk up onto the stage. Hello, Blood Moon Pack. I am your new Luna, Rose. I promise to try and make this pack the best pack it can be. I explain.

Everyone applauds and I get off the stage. Jake welcomes me at the bottom. "Welcome, my Luna." He says and gives me a big hug. I hug him back and breathe in his scent. It's so calming, when did I get so nervous?

"Luna, you are so pretty tonight!" A little girl runs up.

Thank you. What's your name? I ask her.

"My name is Lillian. You can call me Lilly." She says in her cute voice.

That's a beautiful name. You look very pretty yourself, Lilly. I complement her.

"Thank you, Luna." She says while blushing.

Lilly and I dance around for a little while then everyone goes outside, after changing.

I put on some jeans and a black Tshirt. I sit on a park bench with Jake and just look up to the stars.

"Thank you. You were so brave today, Rose. Everyone loves you." He says while whispering into my ear. "Especially me." He says and kisses my cheek.

I love you too, Jake. I say.

I snuggle into his arm and we sit in peace.

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