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Jake's P.O.V.

"What the hell?!" I scream at my dad.

He can't be making poor little Rose do this. I'm not trying to put my mate down or anything but, our best fighters! I can easily take them, but that was from years of training.

If looks could kill my father would be six feet under.

"What, son? If she wants to be a true Luna then she has to play the role and fight for it." He replied.

I just stood there in disbelief and tried to get into Rose's mind. She was blocking me out, which I hated.

"Rose, how do you feel about this situation?" I ask her.

She nods her head and a smile comes on her face.

I can do this. I just need some practice. She said, determined of her capability.

I was proud of her actually. This is a hard job and you can tell she is confident about it.

"You have two weeks to prepare. Good luck, runt." My father says and walks off.

I growl seeing of how Rose flinched when he said 'runt'.

"Are you sure, Rose?" I ask her. "I can tell my dad off, you are my Luna and he has to respect that." I say.

I got this. Don't worry. She says with an award winning smile.

"Okay. If you got this, I will support you. I will help you train if you would like?" I say to her.

She nods her head and we head back to our house. I run a hot bath for her and help her undress since she still has troubles. I watch as her skinny figure retreats into the bath. She puts one toe in and jumps back. I let out a chuckle and she lets out a small smile. She puts her feet in and stays till their adjusted. This keeps happening as she puts in a small amount of her body in the steaming hot water.

Once she is fully in, I let her soak for a little before washing her hair and washing her body. She sits in the bath and you can see all her tense motions go away.

Thank you, Jake. This really helped. She says in my head. She lets out a yawn and I finish giving her a bath.

I pick up her figure from the bath and put one of my tshirts on her. It goes to her thighs.

I pick her up bridal style and start singing softly till her breathing evens out and her eyes are closed.

Softly, and gently I place her on the bed and lay down next to her. She cuddles into my chest and all my worries go away as I drift off to sleep with my beautiful, silent mate in my arms.

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