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Rose's P.O.V.

I dodge a tree and run behind another one. I was getting chased alright. He was right on my tail.

I shifted about 5 miles ago. I've been being chased for about 15 miles. I finally decided to shift and now I can't climb trees.

Running behind a tree I shift back and put a big shirt that reaches mid-thigh on. I can't hear anything until a snap from the distance is heard. Jake must've stepped on a fallen branch.

"Rose! Come out come out where ever you are!" Jake yells in a sing song voice.

I curse in my head. He sounds really close. I look out ahead of the tree, and there he is. The beautiful red wolf.

"Rosie. You can't hide from me, love." He sings.

"Woah! What did Zack do to you? Is that why you're so self-conscious? My poor baby. How could he do that?" Jake starts asking. His eyes are glazed over.

What are you talking about?

Is he reading my mind?

"Yes I am reading your mind Rose. One of the perks of marking you, I get all access to your mind." He says cautiously.

How do I block you out?

"Just think that no one can get in your mind and I can't get in. Okay Rose. If you don't want me in your mind I won't be." He says wrapping me in a hug.

I wrap my arms around him wanting his touch. I tightly grip his shoulders and wrap my legs around his waist. Tears were brimming my eyes and I just cried into his Tshirt. I didn't want him knowing what has happened. I've done enough damage by just being his mate. He doesn't need more to worry about.

I try to look into his mind. There is a wall up. Or at least that's what it feels like. I start trying to break through the wall and Jake starts groaning in pain.

"Rose you're giving me a headache." He says.

Then let me in. I'll keep my mind open for you also. I plead wanting to see into this beautiful wolf's mind.

"Fine." He says.

The walls break down and I'm concealed into his mind. There is swirls of stress and want. I find a thought about me. Let's just say it was very dirty. Like stripping my clothes off and taking me, dirty. I didn't know he thought like that.

I found some thoughts about his sister. He seemed very protective of her. She was his world before I stepped in. Now I feel selfish, taking her big brother.

His mom popped up and you could tell how much he loves her. It was so sweet, he was very thoughtful of her and ways to protect her.

Then his dad popped up. Hatred filled the mind. He seemed to pure hate him. I wonder why? His mind opened further and showed some things of his father. Some images showed Jake and his father playing at the playground, but Jake's father was always on the phone, while Jake was on a swing.

Then some images lead to Jake doing nonstop training for Alpha. He was beat red and looked as if he would pass out any moment. His dad just watched in amusement.

He had pure hatred for his dad, should I give his dad a shot and see if he's nice?

"Damn, love. What did that pack do to you. I have lots of injuries to heal with you." He says hugging me tighter.

I nod my head and hug back with the same amount of force.

We sat like that until his eyes glaze over.

He grips me tight and spins me around to where I'm on his back. "We have to go the pack house. Some chaos is going on." He informs me then starts running towards the house.

When we get to the pack house no one is waiting for us except a very formal man and a petite woman. Jake tenses and he is glaring at the man.

I try and get into his mind to see who the man is but Jake blocked me out.

"Oh hello, Jake. We have some business to talk about. I'm glad you brought your runt along, we have to give her some tests." The man says giving an evil smile.

He called me a runt. What the heck?!

Jake put me down. "Not now, father. There was said emergency. What's going on?" Jake asks going straight to business.

"Well, little miss. I'm Chandler, you can call me Chad. I hear you are my son's new mate. Our also, supposedly soon-to-be Luna." Chad says to me totally ignoring Jake. "What is your name?" He asks me.

My name is Rose. I reply in his head.

"So Rose, are you that weak that you have to talk in my head? Are you scared of me?" Chad asks.

No. I reply simply.

"Father, she doesn't talk. My beautiful Rose is a mute. Except or I'll make you." Jake threats his father.

There was silence after that and I just hover behind Jake. He had an arm protectively around my waist and in my mind he was giving me sweet little words that warmed my heart.

"Mom, this is my mate, Rose. Rosie, this is my Mother, Julie." Jake introduces me to the petite woman.

"Hi, Rose. So glad to meet you. I've heard a lot about you from Jake and I was wondering when I was going to see you." She said smiling.

I smiled back and did 'thank you' in sign-language.

We all headed inside and Chandler starts going off about training for Jake. What he says after that scares me.

"Rose, you have to fight for your position. A fight will be set up with three of our best fighters, if you lose we will have Jake reject you and he has to find a new mate. Are we clear?"

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