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A/N This is a filler really, hope you like ittt

"Mia! Ava! Luke!" My mum shouts from downstairs, making me pause the Disney movie that we were watching.

"Yeah?" I yelled back, rubbing my face and smoothing my hair down. We had all been in the TV room upstairs watching 'Tangled', one of my favourite movies.

"We need to talk to you, you're not in trouble!" My mum shouted, resulting in Ava to groan and snuggle down back into Luke's shoulder. Luke had sat in-between me and Ava, his arm slung around her shoulder. However, his right hand was occupied under the covers with my left.

We all made our way downstairs and sat down opposite my parents, Luke on the left and Ava in-between us.

"So, as you may have realised, me and dad haven't been around much lately." My mum begins.

"Wow, really? Well spotted there, mum" I scoffed, crossing my arms and leaning back into the sofa.

"Mia, don't be difficult. Now, theres a reason why we have been so distant." She sighs.

"What is it mum? Are you okay? You're not sick or anything, are you?" Ava asks hurriedly, grabbing mum's hand.

"Now, now, darling. Don't be silly, your mother's fine. We're both fine. Quite the opposite, actually." Dad says, chuckling at her.

"Yes, your father's right. There's been a case opened and it's quite a big one, it could benefit our career's massively. Now, the only problem, it's all the way out in Washington D.C." My mum says, leaving us all speechless.

"Washington, as in America?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"Yes, where else? You're so dumb Mia." Ava snaps. Luke gives me an apologising look and I nod at him, brushing Ava off.

"Ava! Stop it. We'll be gone for about 6-12 weeks, depending on how everything plans out." My mum says, causing Ava to groan. Me and Luke are just shocked and we keep on exchanging glances with each other.

"Now, we trust you all. Ava and Luke, you're both 19 and we feel like we can trust you. Mia, you're 18 so you are an adult too. We know that you're starting college soon, and we're sorry that we can't be there for you, but this case is way too big for us to pass up." Dad says, his hands clasped in front of him.

I scoff and run a hand through my hair. "Why doesn't this surprise me." I mutter. My mum flinches but she pretends not to hear me.

"This is okay with you guys, isn't it?" Dad asks as we all mutter a series of agreements.

"Great, we'll be leaving tomorrow!"


"Goodbye, good luck with college darling!" My mum says as she kisses my forehead and jumps into the taxi.

As they drive away, I feel a mixture of sadness and anger. However, theres some relief thrown in there.

"Hey, come on Mia." Luke says, tugging the hem of my shirt and dragging me back inside.

"Get off Luke," I giggle, "you're gonna rip my shirt!" I shimmy out of his grip and begin to make my way upstairs to start on some coursework for college. I'm going in a couple of weeks and I still have some assignments due.

"You're such a drama queen." Luke says, causing me to turn around and look at him. He rolls his eyes and playfully puts a hand on his hip. I laugh at him and turn back around and continue to walk up the stairs.

"Whatever, Luke!" I yell making my way to my room.


It's been 3 hours. I sigh and check my phone to see the time, 1:38P.M. I decide to walk downstairs to get something to drink, as I've been working on my studies for what seems like forever. I make my way downstairs and I can smell something cooking.

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