day 2 prt 3

16 0 0

Soda showed me something shinny on the tree branch.

"Did ya see the shiny thing" Steve asked
"I'll give you a shinner to look at" I said under my breath.

I looked at the sky and the sun was starting to set. I was thinking about changing into something else for that dance thing tonight.

"Did you see that paper on the tree over there" I asked
"Yeah" Soda said
"I don't really want to go" Steve said
"How come" I asked

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I bet there's free drinks" I said
"Maybe then, I don't wanna dress up for it though" Steve said

We walked over to the cabin area. I guess it was around 6 or so. Everyone was gathered around waiting for us so we can head over for dinner.

"You guys are that flyer on the tree" Johnny asked
"Yeah why" I said
"You planning on going" he asked
"If there's free drinks" I said with a little laugh

"Hey johnny" Dally says and ruffled his hair
"Hey dal," Johnny said "how's about you quit touching my hair so much"

Dally just smirked.

"Kate aren't you gonna go change for that thing tonight" Two-Bit asked me
"If you want me to" I said
"Yeah" he said

I rolled my eyes and went into the cabin to change into something else. I change into a maroon tank top, put my hair in a bun because it looked to greasy to be in public, a black and white flannel and kept my shoes and jeans the same.

I went out where everyone was.

"Your not done yet" Two-Bit said"can't go out with your hair like that"
"You sound like my brother. He doesn't like the way I do things. He doesn't let me do what I want to do." I said and walked back to the cabin and redid my hair. Soda came into the cabin.
"Hey kate, Two-Bit says you don't have to change it" Soda said
"I don't need his pity works. Thanks though" I said

I took out the bun and brushed it out. I put my hair in a fishtail, put it over my right shoulder and went out trailing behind Soda with my hands in my pockets and kicking a rock around.

"You ready" Darry asked
"Yeah" I said.

We started walking over to the dining hall and made our way there in about 7 minutes. Dinner was chicken legs and chicken thighs. We finished dinner and it was time for the dance thing. Tables were pushed out of the way and a live band was ready to perform songs written by famous artist. The first hand played Socs kind of music. I walked over to the bar for a drink. There was a deal going on and it was $7 for bottomless drinks for the night. Of course I paid the $7 bucks, got a stamp on my hand and was chugging beer like there was no tomarrow and taking shots like it it were my last day on earth. Dal came over to where i was.

"Why you over " he asked
"Because there's bottemless drinks for $7 bucks" I said taking a gulp from my beer

Dally paid the $7 and came over with me.

I liked the feeling of the cold liquid down my throat. It felt good. It cools off almost.

So me and Dally were having drinks while everyone else was doing their own thing. About 10 songs later there was a slow dance. Dally just gave me that look then nodded.

"What no I'm not" I said then getting cut off with him taking my hand
"Can't have ya standing alone" he said. I smiled a bit

I've actually never slowed dances with someone before. So i wasnt quite sure what to do. I looked around the room and did the same thing other girls were doing. I was shaky on what I should be doing.

"You've never done this before haven't you" he asked
"No" I said in a laughing way

So Dally positioned my hands and stuff and showed me what to do.

"Can't believe your dad never showed you how" he commented
"Yeah" I say kind of quiet. I looked down at my feet.
"You alright" he asked
"Mmm.... yeah. Think so"

I felt small compared to Dally, but smaller than I already am. He's not much of a guy who shows emotion and stuff but I feel like he opens up more around me.

The song ended. Dally and i went over to where the gang was. All of them were hanging out drinking and cracking jokes. That went on for an hour more. It was until we were so drunk we couldn't even stand on our own. I stopped drinking at 11 but everyone who does drink kept going. Darry was drinking l, but he wasn't drunk yet, Johnny only had about 3 beers, Ponyboy had nothing and Soda not even a drop and he was acting like he were drunk. I think I had at least 9 beers, So I guess i was drunk. We didn't even leave the place. Just about all of us were knocked out on table tops or throwing up in the bathrooms or the closest trash cans. Surprisingly I was a lot more sober than usual and only acted like I had 6 beers.

They finally played a greaser band instead of Socs kind of music. They did a lot of Elvis and Bo Didley. Those are my favorite singers. They spoke my mind and said what I thought needed to be said.

After about so many fast songs, a slow song finally played. Ponyboy danced with me. He pulled me in close, my head was resting on his shoulder the whole time. The song ended and it was late I guess. I was getting tired and was falling asleep. I didn't want to sleep, but I needed to. I fell asleep and woke up in the cabin the best morning

another outsidersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon