day 47

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Friday I think, that or Thursday. I woke up and of course more red, not the one I like. It's that time, looks like I'll be crazy quiet for a while and have weird thoughts. I need to wash my sheets to, its like a ninja you never know when it's gonna hit ya. School was boring, I passed test with 83 or 87 all year long so far so I think I'm graduate and if not I'll drop out. Two-Bit is still a junior for the past two or three years now. He only goes to school for the kicks of it. Life went on and nothing interesting happened, I'm still top grease in school because of Dally and everyone knows that Shepard asked me in his gang. I'm not sure what I'll say still, I want to say yes but everyone will be disappointed and if I say no that's gonna be sone Socs hot spot to hit me with. Ugh stress, cramps head ache and school. This day could not be worse. It did get worse later. I wore something different today, your everyday solid navy t-shirt, a red flannel, old fadedpair of jeans, my beat up white high tops and had my hair in 2 French braids. I walked into school. Socs looking at me funny guys looking at me with try hard smolders and girls giving me death glares because I was dressed better than them. It felt weird, like I wasn't wanted here or needed or if anyone ever know me. The hair. That's what's with the looks, I'm waiting for the roots to grow in, a good 2 weeks or so.

I go sit in science class and everyone is still puzzled with their expressions. I sunk in my chair, I sit near the window I look through it when it gets boring in class. Today were doing stuff with elements. I'm not good at this stuff. Then math, math to literature, recess to PE and social a studies then lunch. I didn't go back to school after lunch, I wasn't feeling so hot. I felt sick to my stomach. Stupid cramps got the best of me. So I went home on my board like always, and got home in about 7 minutes. I didn't go to the Curtis house, I went home. I unlocked the door with the spare key in the mailbox. Got inside and plopped on the couch with a 7 up in my hand and fell asleep.

Ponyboy's Pov

Kate didn't show up after lunch, I thought that was kinda odd. A few people asked me where she was but I told them I didn't know. She was a lot more quieter than usual today and looked a lot more stressed. I wonder why.

Tyrones Pov

Kate didn't look so hot today at lunch. I'm not saying she's not gorgeus or anything but like she wasn't looking well. She was crazy quiet today and barely even ate her lunch. I'll ask her tomorrow if she comes.

Two-Bit's Pov

I noticed Kate leave right after lunch. I wonder why. I went to my locker and found a note, it said

Not feeling well, went home.

Hmm... That's what happened. Looks like I'll meet her home after school. I crammed the note in my leather jacket pocket and went to my class, I hope it was the right one today.

She has average hand writing, well enough to read but not fancy to tell it was a girl's writing. It's almost like Ponyboy's, but the a is written differently. I'll let him know so he isn't worrying as much.

Ponyboy's Pov

Two-Bit told me that Kate went home. That makes sense then.

Kate's Pov

I'm a sleep in my bed until the door creeks open. I have a feeling its Two-Bit. I looked at the clock on the night stand. 3:10 it read. Yup its him. He walks in and I sit up. He trips over my shoes that I left in the middle of the floor. I start laughing a little bit.

"You doin alright" he asks and puts his stuff on his bed
"Yeah" I said. That was the truth too. I felt better than earlier. I stayed at home for the rest of the night

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