camping: day 4; prt-2/ day 5

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Me and Dally went off somwhere. I just followed him until he wanted me to say where we were going.

"Come on Kate pick which way you wanna go" Dally said annoyingly
"I don't want to though" I winned back "Why can't we just go back to the cabin, there's nothing to do out here"
"Because I want a good seat in the car"
"But it's coldish and I'm bored" I winned

Dally just stayed quiet and a smirk slid into his face.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I was starting to get tired, but it was at a point where I can sleep.

"Hey katherine, Let's stop here" Dally said
"Ok" I said with a a yawn at the end.

I sat down and leaned up against a tree. I was pretty tired actually. I was falling asleep on the spot until Dally woke me up. He accidentally kicked my foot or kicked it on purpose. Not really sure. I opened my eyes and all of a sudden I got really nervous, it was dark out, like pitch black and you can't see a thing and all you hear is the animals makingere noises and scurring through the bushes. I exhale to calm my nerves, dally hearsme and sighs after me.

"What are you doing up" I ask
"Couldn't sleep,you " Dally said
"Oh uh you kinda sorta nudged me so..." I said trailing off torwards the end. I yawned and dally came closer to me. I put my head on him and I wasn't as nervous anymore. I slowly fell asleep with a dream in my head.

"What do you mean I can't do that. Do you not know me well enough"I screamed a mysterious man.
"I just don't want you to get killed or something " the man yelled back
"Who would care of I got killed, who would notice, who would show up for my funeral. No one. I'm gonna go there and no ones gonna stop me. Not even the cops" I yelled and starting walking towards the door.
"You walk out that door and I'll" he said
"And you'll what" I stood there with my arms crossed waiting for an answer. The man started walking over to me. He was tall, dark hair, greased. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the ground.
"You'll have r he able come back here again and you ain'tallowed to live under this roof no more"
"I dont wanna luve in this shack anymore anyways" i said and walked out the door. The house has a wired fence infront and it had an old coat of yellow it. I ran off to who knows were.

I woke up confused. I'm not sure who it was what the hell that was but thats gonna bother me for a while now" I woke up and it was dark out and I was leaning on Dally and dally's head was on top of mine. It was cold out and today was the day we leave. I wanted to get up but Dally was leaning on me. I woke up Dally.

"Hey dal, dally. Wake up" I said and shook his arm
"Hmm what do you want, don't you know what time it is" he said in a scratchy morning voice
"No, I just woke up"
"Well it's like freaking 2:30 so..."
"Can we go back to the cabin" I asked
"Why you scared or somthing, you scared that there's gonna be a bear that comes around and eats your head"
"What, do you think I'm 5 or something. I just wanna go back to the cabin"
"Alright then kid let's go" Dally said and got up. He got a flashlight and we started walking.

We got to the cabins and went into bed. I still couldn't get that dream out of my mind, it's a sign or something.

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