Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Oh yeah, Fenrir like disappeared! And I am not looking forward to that. You know, if you want to be rid of him, you should walk in on me kissing him. It'd be perfect!" she smiled and I smiled back.

"That's brilliant, do you know where the trio is?" I asked. As if she'd know.

"Actually they're by the lake," Draco said. I looked at him questioningly and he shrugged.

"I was just over there and I saw them," he explained. I smiled and stood up.

"Okay, Pansy, I'll go down in front of you but I'll hide behind a rock or something. Once I do that, you walk up to him and do your thing and then I'll walk up, freak out on him and run away. Then I can turn to Draco and our relationship can go public, but I'll still be friends with them! All but Weasley, why didn't I think of this before?" I said, getting excited. She nodded and we ran out of the common room. I stealthily hid behind a rock where I could see the trio, but they couldn't see me. Weasley walked in one direction while Granger and Potter went back up towards the castle. Pansy started to make her way down to the lake and Weasley turned around.

"What are you-" he started to say, but then she cut him off, and he actually put his hands on her hips. I felt a little mad, just because he was the one that was oh-so committed.

"Ronald Weasley, what are you doing?" I screamed running towards them. Granger and Potter turned around and saw what was going on. They were a bit shocked if I do say so myself.

"Leah...I..." he stuttered and I made my eyes turn red.

"How could you?" I said through gritted teeth and Pansy looked at him smugly.

"Her, really? Her over me?" I yelled and he looked like a fish, opening and closing his mouth.

"Ron, why?" Granger gasped as she reached us.

"I...huh?" he said, looking at Pansy in confusion.

"In case it isn't clear, we're done!" I yelled, and I made myself cry. I stormed back up to the castle. Draco met me halfway and stopped me.

"Did it work?" he asked.

"Oh yeah," I said and then put on a glare to send to Weasley. Draco threw his arm around my shoulder and steered me away. 

"Leah!" I heard Granger and Potter yelling.

I turned around and they stopped to catch their breath.

"Yes?" I asked.

"We're so sorry! I don't know what got into him! But...please don't turn to...him," Granger said, sneering at Draco.

"Maybe we're friends," I said raising my eyebrows.

"Really?" she asked skeptically.

"Yes, I am a Slytherin you know," I smiled.

"Well...well...why didn't you tell us?" she asked stubbornly.

"We weren't always friends, it's recent. I was going to but we didn't have a lot of time to talk. Anyway, I'll see you guys later. I'm going to the common room," I said.

"Alright, well we're sorry," Potter said.

"It isn't your fault," I nodded. I went to turn back around but Potter caught my wrist.

"Wait, come back up to our common room," he said. I sighed and nodded.

"Great...not you Malfoy," Potter said, glancing at him.

"I have no desire to hang out with you," he said coolly before nodding to me and walking away.

"Let's go," Granger said, glancing harshly back at Weasley and Pansy. Weasley was angrily talking to Pansy and she had on an evil smirk. We walked up to the common room and then sat down on the couches.

"I can't believe you're friends with Malfoy," Granger said in disgust, though it wasn't directed at me.

"He isn't that bad. I mean, I hate his views about muggle borns, but he has his moments. He's interesting to talk to, that's all," I shrugged.

"You're friends with Malfoy?" asked a shocked Fred.

"Yes Freddie,, not exactly. We don't hang out all the time, but we talk in the common room and stuff," I said, acting like we were only acquaintances. They all nodded and I couldn't believe how many Gryffindor's accepted that so quickly.

"Alright, what did you do?" Ginny screeched, running in with her wand pointed at me. I instinctively pulled out my wand and silently used 'protego'.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, really and honestly confused.

"Stupefy!" she shouted, but of course I had up the shield.

"Ginny what's going on?" Granger asked frantically.

"Ron is in hysterics down by the lake! He's absolutely heartbroken! The only thing he could mutter out was, 'Leah', so what did you do?" she yelled, coming up to me and digging her nails into my arms. When I didn't answer she slapped me. She actually slapped me! I couldn't help myself, and my eyes turned red. I just knew they did. I felt anger bubble inside me and I walked up to her, punching her square in the jaw and pointing my wand at her.

'Crucio' I thought and she started screaming in pain.

'Silencio!' I thought again and she instantly shut up.

"Leah, stop it! Leah!" Lavender yelled from behind me and I felt someone grab me from behind. My wand fell and Ginny curled up, in tears. I turned around angrily and saw the twins restraining me.

"Leah, how could you?" Granger asked angrily. I looked around and saw everyone staring at me in surprise; Longbottom looked really sick.

"Why did you do that?" Potter asked in horror. I saw Dean helping Ginny up and she looked at me with terror and anger.

"I'm sorry," I whispered and I knew I blew my cover. Except...I had a lie up my sleeve.

"It's just that...when my family or classmates hit me, it was sort of my reaction. At home, my family thought I was a disgrace because I didn't want to be in Slytherin, and in Muggle School they all thought I was a freak. My parents beat me, and my peers did too. I ended up using that as defense and, it's a natural reaction now. I'm really sorry Ginny!" I said, and I let tears glide down my face. I made my eyes turn a deep sad blue and everyone sort of glanced around, not sure what to do.

"Leah, we had no idea," Seamus finally said. Longbottom cautiously walked over and hugged me tightly.

"That's terrible," he said sadly. I hugged him back and pretty soon I had received a hug from every single Gryffindor, all but Ginny.

"Ginny..." I started to say, seeing her on the chair really defeated looking.

"What about Ron?" she said hoarsely.

"Ginny, he ended up cheating on Leah, not the other way around. We saw it...he kissed Pansy Parkinson," Granger said softly and I made tears form again. Man, father would be proud of me. Ginny looked at me in shock.

"I'm so sorry Leah!" she gasped out.

"I should be apologizing to you, I tortured you!" I whispered. I walked over to her and pulled out my wand, muttering healing incantations. Once I was done she stood up and hugged me.

"I've treated you horribly for the past month or so, will you please forgive me?" she asked, smiling. I smiled brightly and nodded.

"Of course I will!" I chirped. Everyone laughed and the tension evaporated.

"Leah, will you test something for us?" the twins asked in unison. I hesitantly walked over, knowing they had a reputation for pranks. They held out a candy and I took it, staring at it for a while.

"Oh it won't bite you," George joked and I glanced up at him wearily.

"Well...I guess..." I said, even though I really didn't want to eat it. I unwrapped it and popped it in my mouth. It tasted pretty good. I started feeling really dizzy and I gripped Fred's shoulder. My vision got blurry and and my head felt weird.

"Everything's spinning," I whispered and I heard Fred say something, but I don't know what because the next thing I knew, I fainted. 

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