Chapter Five

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"Well you look exhausted," Draco drawled.

"Possibly because I am," I said, walking into the common room and plopping down onto the couch next to him.

"Did you wait up for me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I just happened to be awake, that's all," he said defensively.

"Mhm. Cute," I smirked and he smiled slightly.

"That was one long talk," he glanced at me.

"We ended up just talking about potions," I waved my hand dismissively.

"I see. Well, anyway, my mother was very excited to see you in Diagon Alley the other day. She says she wants to have a family get together over Christmas holiday," he rolled his eyes.

"Well, our parents used to be very good friends," I sighed.

"I don't particularly want to have a family get together," he said.

"Hell no. But, if mother agrees to have one, I won't have a choice," I scowled.

"I'm sorry for pushing this, but you look really tired. Anxious, too," he frowned.

"Well, yeah, I start school tomorrow," I shrugged. In all honesty, now that the adrenaline has faded, I'm really anxious about the fact that I've killed someone. If anyone finds out I could go to Azkaban. It's not like I'm untouchable like the Dark Lord. I'm just another not-quite-yet Death Eater. If the Dark Lord was currently living, I wouldn't have a problem with killing. He's the protection all Death Eaters have. But since he isn't around, I have no security or protection. I'm fucked.

"You sure that's all it is?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm positive. In fact, I'm going to head up to bed," I stood, but Draco grabbed my hand.

"If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask. I know Slytherin's act like assholes, but we're here for one another. Even if you don't want to ask me, ask someone else. Okay? Makes the whole first day experience easier," he smiled sadly.

"Thanks," I nodded once.


"Wake up, sleeping beauty! It's school time!" Pansy threw the curtains open surrounding my bed.

"Shut up," I groaned, turning over.

"No, I let you sleep in, but if you don't get up now, we'll be late!"

"What?" I sat up, brushing my hair back from my face.

"Come on!" she snapped. I rolled out of bed, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and then quickly pulled on my uniform. I didn't bother to tie the tie yet.

"Hurry," Pansy said, throwing her hair into an updo as I worked on my makeup. I threw my hair up into a bun, tucking my wand behind my ear as we raced down the stairs. Before I knew it, I was colliding with someone.

"Watch it!" I snapped.

"Fuck off," the other person snapped back. When I bothered to look at them, I laughed.

"Sorry, Draco," I said and he blinked, also just now realizing it was me.

"Oh, Merlin. Sorry," he smiled. Pansy grabbed my hand and shot Draco an annoyed look.

"Let's go!" she said, pulling me out of the common room and to the Great Hall. When we got there, she dropped my hand and pushed a strand of hair out of her face. We both composed ourselves before walking in.

"Fashionably late," she shrugged as Draco caught up with us. We all walked in together, and I sent Potter a friendly smile when he looked my way. Granger frowned at the exchange, but he smiled back. We took our seats and I tiredly ate some toast and eggs. The owl Claire and I were instructed to share, Alisana, arrived with the Daily Prophet and I took it, reading over the headline. Double Homicide in Windsor.

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